An investigation into the relationship between training and development and organisational effectiveness in a public Tertiary Educational Institution in the Central Region of Ghana.
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Despite the variations in the educational systems of various countries, the educational sector plays a very critical role in the socioeconomic development of every society. Tertiary education in particular contributes to the growth of the economy through the adoption of combination of research and training which allows for an important flow of knowledge and practice. Hence, there is the need for tertiary educational institution to be effective in the delivery of their
various mandates. Training and development are such factors that contribute to the effectiveness with which tertiary institutions perform their roles. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of training and development on organizational effectiveness by using evidence from the Cape Coast Polytechnic, a public tertiary educational institution in the central region of Ghana. The study therefore reviewed literature on the concepts of training and developments. Employing quantitative methods of analysis, the study conveniently sampled 114 staff of the Cape Coast Polytechnic by the use of a structured questionnaire as the main research instrument. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to analyze the data quantitatively. The study found that the Cape Coast Polytechnic uses both on-the-job and offthe-job training methods in training and developing its employees. These training activities were found to be effective and positively affected the effectiveness of the institution by improving employees’ skills and competence; improving staff relation and improving the quality of services delivered. However, there were certain challenges such as inadequate resources in the form of funds and training materials to effectively train and develop the staff of the Polytechnic as expected. It is recommended that management of the Cape Coast Polytechnic should plan for future training and development by developing a training policy to guide in the training and development of its staff. Also, training and development should be seen as an instrument for establishing and signaling when and how work practices should change
A Thesis Submitted To In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Degree Of Masters Of Business Administration (Human Resource Management Option).