Exportable fruit packing plant, Accra

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The drive to increase export is one of the cornerstones of attempts being made to revive the flagging national economy in Ghana. The need to import vital inpute for our social-economic development whilst simultaneously servicing our external debts, coupled with the continual price fluctuations and dwindling domestic production level of cocoa (which alone account for 65 to 70 per cent of total export exchange,) has necessitated the promotion of our non-traditional exportable commodities with good market potential. These commodities include fresh horticultural produce, or which fresh fruits is the most significant single sub-grouping, accounting for an average of over 80 per cent of non-traditional fresh horticultural produce export. There are however several impediments to the goal of exporting more fresh fruit is the most significant single non-grouping, accounting for an average of over 80 per cent of non-traditional fresh horticultural produce exported. There are however several impediment to the goal of exporting more fresh fruit, the most crucial being the lack of efficient and well planned packing plants. Due to the highly perishable nature of fresh horticultural produce and the high quality grade requirement of the export market, there is the need for the establishment in Ghana of packing plants for exportation fresh fruits to facilitate efficient produce handling and storage operations. This thesis has researched into the feasibility of establishing a packing plant in Ghana for fresh fruits destined for the export market. It is a design for a 56 tonne per day fruit packing plants and 156 tonne capacity refrigerated storage facility. In addition it incorporated a small scale squash production plant which provides a profitable means for the disposal of by-product.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture, 1988