Mosaic from ‘found’ materials

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Mosaic is an aspect of picture making taught in most senior secondary schools in Ghana. Students to undertake this discipline are restricted to the use of paper, and magazines in making mosaic. But there are lots of materials that can be used, examples are tree bark, metal leather and glass. The method used in solving this problem includes Experimental Research Method, Descriptive research Method and analytical research method. This project reveals the possibilities with the use of materials such as metal, glass, leather and tree bark for mosaic. It was found that the making of mosaic with metal and glass was rigid because of the cutting as compare to leather and tree bark. It was also found that P. V. A. glue work best with glass and tree bark whiles the formica glue work best with leather and metal. The flexible nature of the tree bark and leather created a proper and even arrangement of spaces in-between the tesserae. The researcher recommend that instead of looking for conventional materials for mosaic, artist can now look for materials which are normally thrown away that are not used for mosaic. It is also recommended that the Ghana Education Service and Ministry of Education should incorporate the use of ‘found’ materials for mosaic production in schools and colleges to expand the scope and broaden the horizon of students. This report has been designed to guide the prospective mosaic artist to acquire skills in the vocation.
A Project report presented to the School Of Graduate Studies Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology, Kumasi in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree, of Masters of Arts in Art Education'.