A study into monitoring and evaluation on public projects: A case study of Central Tongu District
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The study aimed at examining the challenges associated with monitoring and evaluation
of public funded projects using Central Tongu District as a case study. An extensive
literature review was conducted which aided in the development of a structured
questionnaire to be distributed to the respondents. Using the census survey sampling
technique thirty-one (31) questionnaires were collected and subsequently analyzed using
descriptive statistics and the Relative Importance Index (RII). The major finding for the
first objective was that, the most often used monitoring technique was financial
monitoring followed by physical monitoring. With the evaluation techniques, interim
evaluation was ranked as the most often used followed by terminal evaluation and expost evaluation. The major findings of the objective two (2) were that, the highest ranked
benefit was “they can serve as an assessment tool”. This was followed by “helps in the
provision of progress report” and “assessing stakeholder performance”. The major
findings of the objective three were that, the most severe challenge as indicated by the
respondents was weak institutional capacity. This was followed by weak linkage
between activities and limited resources and budgetary allocation for monitoring and
evaluation. With these findings, it was recommended that, project managers should
establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation for their organizations. Also,
monitoring and evaluation should not be treated as a means of fulfilling requirements of
project contract. However, it should be treated as a way of measuring achievements
against objectives and taking corrective actions where necessary to enhance the
probability of achieving project success
A dissertation submitted to the Department of Construction Technology and Management, College of Art and Built Environment in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Project Management.
Monitoring, Evaluation, Challenges, Public funded projects.