Working capital management in the private small-scale manufacturing business in the Kumasi Metropolis area
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This topic was chosen because of the numerous benefits that will accrue to a nation from proper working capital management of small scale manufacturing businesses. Presently many small-scale manufacturing businesses have either collapsed or are barely surviving. This study has therefore sought to find out the effectiveness of working capital management in the small scale manufacturing businesses. To achieve these goals, three categories of small manufacturing businesses have been chosen as the case study. The practice of working capital management has been assessed in these businesses, owners and staffs were interviewed to find how effectively they were practicing working capital management and the constraints they face. A survey was therefore conducted to assess the effectiveness of working capital management. The result of the study was that there was no effective working capital management practices in the small-scale manufacturing business in the target area. It has been recommended that working capital management should be given prior attention in the small- scale manufacturing industries. The National Board for small-scale industries should organize seminars and workshops to enlighten the operators of small-scale manufacturing businesses to know the benefit of
working capital management as a means of increasing working capital fund. Qualified accountants who have adequate knowledge of working capital management should be employed in the small-scale manufacturing businesses to help build working capital fund for expansion and growth of these businesses
A Long Essay Submitted To The Department Of Accounting And Finance Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science And Technology In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement For The Degree Of Master Of Business Administration (MBA) In Accounting