Literary Production and Islamic Reform in Ghana: A Case Study of Sheikh Aminu Bamba of Ejura

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November, 2016
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This thesis analyses the literary works of Bamba of Ejura as a reflection of his contributions to Islamic reform in Ghana. The thesis examines the background of Bamba in order to appreciate the diverse factors which contributed to shaping his reform ideas. In particular the study analyses Bamba’s interpretations of theological, jurisprudential, and conflict resolutions competence issues. While the study argues that, aspects of Bamba’s ideas on Islamic theology and jurisprudence were not original, though well embedded in the mainstream traditional Islamic scholarships, his ideas which focus on eradicating religious laxities within the Tijaniyyah was outstanding. In the field of inheritance and jurisprudence, his ability to undertake extensive research which aims at addressing some socio-religious problems in the community underscores the unique perspective he contributed to Islamic law. Despite the fact that Bamba belongs to the Tijaniyyah brotherhood his ideas on Islamic reform were receptive to Muslims of different doctrinal divides in Ghana.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Religious Studies ,Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Religious Studies
Reform, Literary production, Ulama, Qibla, Inheritance, Mufti, Qadi, Mediation, Islamic movements, Theological differences