Appraisal of textiles syllabi and their delivery in Schools and Colleges

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Textiles is one of the visual arts programmes that is popular in the Senior Secondary School and art institutions of the tertiary level. With the inception of’ the on-going Education Reform programme which places much premium on the development of creative and practical ability of the student, the study of textiles has not been given the needed attention, though it is taught in many schools and colleges in the country. In the Senior Secondary Schools, two types of syllabi are used; one each from the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) and the Ghana Education Service (GES). The WAEC syllabus is geared towards the assessment of the students in order to award certificates and also a means to select students for further studies. It is an examination- oriented syllabus. The GES syllabus is based on tenets of the Education Reforms programme, which intends to equip the students with practical skills that will help the students to acquire a vocation if they do not get the opportunity for further studies. Textiles as a vocation is one aspect on which the Education Reforms lays emphasis, however, recent survey indicates that the textiles syllabus of the SSS level is defective in the kinds of skills that would make the graduates perform effectively. This thesis therefore, seeks to appraise the content and effectiveness of the textiles syllabi delivery in Ghanaian schools and colleges; identify the major problems, analyze them and recommend solutions to improve on the education of textiles graduates. The extent to which the aims and objectives of the textiles programme were being achieved was taken into consideration as one of the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the textiles programme. The other aspect that the thesis sought to appraise is the delivery process of the textiles programme in the SSS; here, teacher performance as well as students’ understanding and achievement were considered. It also outlines the problems in the Colleges. Literature related to the topic was reviewed in the second chapter. Chapter three outlines the procedure employed in writing the thesis. Chapter four outlines the various Textiles Syllabi in Schools and Colleges in Ghana. Results were discussed in Chapter five. Chapter six dealt with the summary, conclusions and recommendations. The research has revealed that, curriculum-wise, very elaborate syllabi have been prepared for textiles education in Ghana from the JSS through to the tertiary level. However, institutions offering textiles education are not able to acquire books, materials, equipment and other logistic support for the students’ use. The other revelation is that the Ministry of Education does not have any endorsed textbook for textiles education at the JSS and the SSS levels where it has the mandatory responsibility to do so. The result of this thesis is not conclusive and that future researchers can continue from where this thesis ends.
A Thesis Presented to the School of Graduate Studies Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi in Partial Fulfillment and Requirement for the Degree of Master of Arts in Art Education, 2004