Psychological contract violation, abusive supervision, gossips and employee cynicism among health workers in Ghana
October, 2016.
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Psychological contract violation and abusive supervision have gained the attention of both practitioners and academics in recent years. Critical commentaries for instance have questioned whether psychological contract violation and abusive supervision have any implications for employee cynicism, and ultimately organizational performance. Research shows that approximately 94 per cent of employees perceived their organization as defaulting on agreed upon obligations within their first two years of work. This study therefore sought to examine the effects of psychological contract violation, abusive supervision and gossip on employee cynicism among health workers in Ghana. The study adopted both descriptive and explanatory research designs. The estimated staff strength of all five hundred and thirty (530) health facilities in the Ashanti Region was 8,800. The research sample of 424 involved different categories of health sector workers grouped into Type 1 (workers in Kumasi) and Type 2 (workers outside Kumasi). Purposive and convenience sampling techniques were used to select respondents across selected institutions in the Region. The main instrument used for the data collection was questionnaire whiles structural equation modelling was performed using STATA 13. The study concluded that Psychological Contract Violation (PCV) predicts Job Related Gossip (JRG). However, the effect of Abusive Supervision (AS) on Employee Cynicism (ECN) was not supported. Again, Job related and Non Job related gossip partially mediated Psychological Contract Violation (PCV) and Employee Cynicism (ECN) relationships. It is therefore recommended that the largest employer within the health sector (Government of Ghana) works at rectifying perceived psychological contract violations observed by the study. As highlighted, psychological contract violation was moderately high which partly explains the rate of worker agitations experienced within the health sector.
A Thesis submitted to the School of Business, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management and Consulting.