Impact of electronic banking channels on bank growth in Ghana.
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This study examines the relationship between electronic banking channels and banks growth among commercial banks in Ghana. Using a quantitative research approach, the study adopted a survey research strategy with the use questionnaires to collect data through self-administration to customers, employees and managers of all commercial banks. The statistical population of this research was all commercial banks in the Tema metropolis and a convenience sampling technique selects 250 respondents, out of which 207 questionnaires were obtained. Average Variance Extract (AVE), Factor Loading (FL) and Cronbach’s alpha (CA) tested the validity and reliability of the scales. Linear regression was used to assess the impact of electronic banking, which includes internet banking, automatic teller machines (atms), mobile banking, and point of sales (POS) on banks’ growth. The results indicated that some of these channels, including internet banking, POS, mobile banking and atms, positively affect a bank’s growth in diverse ways. The findings of this study reveals a positive relationship between electronic banking and bank growth and expand the understanding of how bank managers can grow their banks by developing innovative electronic banking channels. Individual with high literacy rate demonstrate greater understanding of the usage of electronic banking products and services. The understanding of relevance and risks associated with the usage of electronic banking, which enables them to make informed financial decisions effectively. The findings emphasize the need for consistent educational programs to improve financial decisions and foster responsible electronic banking products usage. This work can guide policymakers, financial institutions and all other individuals in developing effective and efficient technological strategies on the use of electronic banking products
A thesis submitted to the department of accounting and finance, school of business, Kwame Nkrumah university of science and technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of masters of science in accounting and finance