Assessment of records management practices among the administrative staff of University of Education, Winneba – Kumasi (UEW-K) and Mampong (UEW-M) Campuses
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Records management seeks to efficiently and systematically control the lifecycle of
records that are routinely generated as a result of activities and transactions. Most
universities are continuously deploying integrated records management as a means of
improving the decision making as well as service delivery quality. It is also generally
recognized that at the core of the numerous complex university problems, is a poor
capacity for records management. This research thus, attempted to fill this gap by using
two satellite campuses (Kumasi and Mampong) of the University of Education, Winneba
(UEW) as study-survey institution.
The study reviewed literature on the concepts of records, their forms as well as the life-cycle of records. It further outlined the benefits and challenges of records management.
The study purposely sampled 80 administrative staff comprising senior members, senior
staff and junior staff from the two satellite campuses. Flowing from the quantitative
nature of the research strategy, structured questionnaires were used as the sole data
collection instrument and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to
analyze the data.
The major findings of the study revealed that the administrative documents are stored in
both manual and electronic forms. This leads to quick decision making, saves office
space and promotes good corporate governance. It was further indicated that there were
insufficient resources in terms of professionally trained records managers, training-starved administrative staff and office space. Therefore, it was recommended that
management of UEW should embrace the records management function to ensure its
effectiveness, and also professionally trained records managers should be employed.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Managerial Sciences,
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree