Market Orientation Strategies of Intravenous Infusions Limited.
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Marketing is not like Euclidean geometry, a fixed system of concepts and axioms. Rather, it is one of the most dynamic fields within the management arena. The market place continually throws out fresh challenges and companies must respond. New marketing ideas keep surfacing to meet new market place challenges in line with current marketing thinking. The growing emphasis on quality, value, customer satisfaction and retention as well as relationship building occasioned by the phenomenon of globalisation has affected businesses in Ghana, the pharmaceutical sector being no exception. Whiles efficiency has been injected into the system, at the same time, there are threats of extinction of many a local industry as a result of this phenomenon. It is this latter effect that is worrisome and has necessitated this study.
The study discusses the market orientation strategies of Intravenous Infusions Limited. It is structured in five (5) parts.
The introductory chapter gives an over-view of the pharmaceutical industry in Ghana with specific reference to its development and current mode of operation. The objectives, justification and scope of the study are captured in this part. A key component of the introduction is the problem statement cited above ie, the threat of extinction of local industry resulting from changes in the market place.
Literature review on the concept of market orientation, its antecedents and consequences are discussed in chapter two. The chapter expounds the various connotations given by Marketing Practitioners and Academics on the concept of market orientation.
The third chapter focuses on the methodology of the research. Primary and secondary data were
used and relevant information was elicited by the use of interviews.
The key findings of the study namely, the state of affairs of the company and its effect vis-a-vis changing market trends are discussed in the forth chapter.
The study is concluded in chapter five by a recap of issues discussed and relevant recommendations proposed to remedy the problem stated above.
A thesis submitted to the College of Arts and Social Sciences, KNUST School of Business