Processing a new material for exterior sculpture
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Sculptors have no option than to stick to some few very popular materials. These materials although are losing their popularity on the international market or being improved upon, the researcher can boldly come out and say that sculptors in this part of the art world are not prepared to do away with it.
Furthermore, the researcher in trying to recollect what he came to meet at the sculpture
section of College of Art when he came to do his undergraduate programme. One can just come out with just one major material, and that is cement. Unfortunately much has not been done about this, all we still see is just a change in colour but maintaining the parent material as cement.
Although there has not been any change in material for exterior sculpture, at least something could have been done about the finish. Most works in cement although strong, grow mouldy when left at the mercy of the weather. in some cases painted works have the paint peeling off How can these works be sold as no one would like to buy an art piece that cannot serve its purpose.
Clay has been made to serve mainly as a modelling material for sculptors, than for any other purpose. Unfortunately this versatile material is being under-utilised since much is not being explored about it. This cannot solely be the fault of the section, student or sculptors. The university unfortunately looks down upon this side of the institution, placing all its emphasis on the sciences. The section cannot even boast of an ordinary pug mill which can easily and cheaply be produced by the mechanics at Magazine in Kumasi, let alone a kiln to fire clay works. This is just to mention a few but there are a lot more needed in this section to make it a research institution.
In this research, the researcher explored more in to clay as a very versatile medium ever used by artist throughout history. The outcome of this exploration proved very successful. From the research, it became clearer that clay has a very great potential than it is being used. This finding shows that clay, when well treated, can serve diverse purposes.
The write-up is simplified in such a way that every sculptor who would like to enter into terracotta work would not have a problem interpreting its content. All the processes are clearly stated and supported with photographs.
It is the hope of the researcher that sculptors in this part of our world would shift from relying on the few main medium for exterior sculpture. This project will go a long way to help sculptors to have varying colours and materials, and to utilize local material for exterior sculpture.
A Thesis Submitted to the Board of Post-Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Master of Fine Art in Sculpture, 2005