Public Private Partnership in Affordable Housing Delivery in Ghana
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The concept of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) has been seen as symbiosis relationships between Public and the Private sector where they combine their strengths, weakness, resources and their expertise for the delivery of a service such as the affordable housing. The need to provide an adequate housing has remained a major priority of every government. The aim of this study was therefore to explore the dynamic of the implementation of PPP in the affordable housing delivery. The specific objectives included: to identify strategies for the implementation of the affordable housing delivery, to identify challenges confronting the PPP in affordable housing delivery and the success factors for the implementation of the affordable housing. The study concentrated on the key players in the housing delivery in Ghana (GREDA, SHC, and SSNIT): Data was collected and analysis using Statistical tools which included: factor analysis (Principal component analysis), Relative Importance Index (RII), correlation analysis and percentages. The findings of the research point out to the fact that: involvement of expert advice and input, risk sharing between partners, collaborating with community in PPP housing scheme were strategies for effective PPP implementation. In addition, politicization of housing issue, inadequate information on PPP programme, lack of sound regulatory framework were some of the challenges of PPP implementation the research revealed. Lastly, the research revealed that effective constant communication between partners, commitment of partners and permanent government involvement were success factor of the PPP implementation. It was concluded that affordable housing problems is a common phenomenon around the world. And it was attributing to a sluggish economic growth in the developing countries such as Ghana. It is therefore recommended that affordable housing delivery should be viewed as national issue which needs more attention and education on key players in the housing industry. More so the developing country like Ghana should adopt PPP strategies in affordable housing delivery from the developed world where it has been practice and tested.
A dissertation submitted to the Department of Building Technology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfilment for the award of a degree of Master of Science in Construction Management,