Assessment of Strategies for Poverty Alleviation and Agriculture Development: A Case Study of Smallholder Farmers in Ghana’s Asutifi District – Brong Ahafo
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This research assesses Poverty Alleviation Strategies and agriculture development, the case of smallholder famers in Asutifi District. The emphasis on this study is smallholder farmers who are the majority, and account for more than 60% of the total workforce in the study area and more than 50% at the national level. The group mentioned is the poorest among these in the poor countrywide as well as at district level. The formulation and implementation of Poverty Reduction Strategies need to involve different stakeholders in a given community including smallholder famers. The focus question to the study was, if Poverty Reduction Strategies do involve all stakeholders in its formulation, implementation and evaluation why this group is lagging behind? Participatory research methodology was the important tool to find the information and the target population was used as a center for the entire process. Case study method was employed and the research was carried out in a natural setting. The research revealed that there was no strategy that was directly focusing on smallholder famers in the district. Also poor functional institutional and managerial framework at the grass root level were the main cause that hinder the formulation and implementation of strategies that will result in bring about tangible outcomes at grass root level. It is proposed that real poverty reduction will only be sustainable when the views of the beneficiaries are incorporated into decision-making at micro level which will enhance capacity building and bring about change and diversified micro-economic activities among smallholder farmers. The foundation will make the wholly macro-economic strategies to be adequate in addressing smallholder famer needs.
A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT.