Prospects and challenges of greening the Kumasi Metropolis
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Kumasi Metropolis is currently experiencing a loss of biodiversity which results in poor green space services and facilities. Most public and private open spaces, forests, wetlands and greenbelts have been encroached by land developers. The main objective of the study was to investigate the prospects and challenges of Urban Green Space Development in the Kumasi Metropolis. This was achieved by analysing the underlying strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats for management of urban green spaces in the Kumasi Metropolis.
The study adopted the case study method,in order to understand the situation of green spaces managementin the Kumasi Metropolis. Five out of ten communities exhibiting significant green spaces facilities and services in the Kumasi Metropolis wereselected for the study. These are; Ahinsan Estate, Santasi, Kaase, Adiembra and Ayigya. All the relevant variables needed for the study were identified and explained through a literature review after which the methodology to solicit the necessary data and information to address the research questions was done
Administration of questionnaires to households in these communities enabled the researcher to understand the household’s perception and opinion of green space management. Furthermore, interviews were conducted in some selected institutionsthat deal with environmental management. These include the Town and Country Planning Department and Environment Protection Agency and Traditional authorities among others.
The study revealed some differences in managing green spaces among residents from these communities as well as institutions. In general, management ofgreen spaces and facilities in Kumasi is not up to expectations. Individuals, households, institutions, businesses (commercial entities), politicians and Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA)do not tend to place high priority ongreen spaces in the development of the Metropolis. As such, people have poor attitude towards green spaces. Coupled with this are inefficiencies in service provision byKumasi Metropolitan Assembly. The Departments within the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly that are responsible for managing the green space services and facilities are also under-resourced. This weak institutional incapacity in managing green spaces results in weak coordination among stakeholders, boundaries of stool/skin land and inadequate security of land tenure among others. These issues individually and cumulatively lead to environmental problems, disputes, conflicts and endless litigation which in turn affect the effectiveness in the overall management of green spaces in the city.
Some recommendations pointed to the need for intensive public education to promote a positive attitude for green space management in Kumasi. In addition, enforcement of the environmental by-laws, physical planning codes and standards are also recommended to institutions responsible for the management of green spaces in the Kumasi Metropolis.
A Thesis submitted to the Department of Planning,
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Science in Development Planning and Management.