An Inquiry into The Contribution of Team Bonding Factors to Project Success
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This study examines the factors of team bonding that affects projects success in the
construction industry. Specifically, the study examined the factors considered as team
bonding and the challenges of these factors as well as how these factors affect project
success. This research utilised the case study design and employed the use of questionnaires
to collect quantitative data which was analysed with the help of Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS). Data was collected from employees of three construction firms in Ghana
who are known to work in teams. Descriptive statistics of frequency and percentages as well
as mean and standard deviations were used. The study found that trust, respect for team
members and communication regularity and speed are some of the factors of team bonding.
The study also found that among the challenges of team bonding factors are mistrust,
miscommunication and suspicion of bad acts by team members. Based on these and other
findings, the study recommended that communication gadgets and channels should be made
available and clearly spelt out to help teams become effective among others.
A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Construction Technology and Management, College of Arts and Built Environment in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE.