The effect of work life balance (WLB) among female workers in Kumasi metropolis.
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The present century has seen many women employees entering the workplace and competing equal to their opposite gender in every aspect of work. This progress and change in roles played by the women have not freed them from the personal life roles that they have. At such a stage has stemmed the concept of Work Life Balance (WBL). An individual’s work life and personal life may bring in conflicting demands on one another and the demands from both the roles are equally important. Hence Work Life Balance among female workers has gained additional attention from organization. Work- Life balance is a broad concept which includes proper prioritizing between career and
ambition on one hand, compared with pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development on the other. It is a key factor which determines employee satisfaction, loyalty and productivity. The study conducted was purely quantitative whereby the researcher asked narrow and specific questions and also collected data for the study. Convenient sampling method was used to gather and collect first-hand information relevant to the study from 250 respondents in order to access the effect of Work Life Balance among female workers in Kumasi Metropolis. The source of materials for the study was both primary and secondary. Primary data was collected by the use of structured questionnaire designed to both the formal and informal sector. The study revealed that there should be always a balance between the hours worked, inflexibility of the work schedule, role conflict, role ambiguity, expectation for secretiveness and objectivity and the number of children, spouse employment, family conflict, low spouse support and expectations for warmth and openness. However, for effective Work Life Balance, female workers should reach consensus with their family especially on how to combine their family work with their formal duties, the husband should assist their spouse in some of the traditional gender roles and also the organizations must develop a work life policy that incorporates programs that ensure a balance between work duties and roles at home.
A Thesis Submitted In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Degree Of Master of Business Administration (HRM Option).