Sculpture from Re-Cycled Glass

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Anything new is seldom easy to introduce .That aside; it takes a lot of research to become conversant with a new thing. Yet the results especially when positive make up for all the trouble. I dare say Ralph Waldo Emerson the renowned American poet, writer and philosopher knew exactly what he meant when he opined that . . . “They can conquer who believe they can” (Ralph Waldo Emerson: 1803 -1882.)’ This project seeks to introduce an unusual material onto the Ghanaian sculpture scene. This is because “The sculptor must at all times be free to manifest his ideas” (John W. Mills: 1965 &1976:7).2 There are many materials from which sculpture can be made. Whatever solid comes to hand can be manipulated into three-dimensional art. However, only the materials which have been able to stand the test of time have been favourites and seem to limit the range of materials for sculpture hence stone, bronze, fired clay and wood. Other materials such as Plaster of Paris and Wax have been used more as means to an end than as materials per se - that is to say, for moulds and marquettes. Today, however, in spite of the fact that some are biased towards appreciating more, those sculptures made from the age old materials; there are many new and interesting sculpture materials. Foam, fabric, leather, neon tubes, cements, polyester resins, all kinds of plastics, metal alloys, paper, fibre-glass, plexiglass, and glass are some of the new materials that modem art has greatly benefited from, especially, by way of the idiomatic freedom that contemporary artists enjoy today. The widening range of sculpture materials today, for sculptors wishing to undertake both three and two dimensional sculpture is what this project wishes to project.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Painting and Sculpture, College of Arts and Social Sciences in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Master of Arts degree, 2004