Takoradi Abattoir
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In Ghana, conditions in existing slaughter houses and current meat-handling practices contribute immensely to the spread of Zoonotic diseases. Slaughtering is done in our slaughter houses with its poor sanitation levels and unskilled staff. Under such conditions contamination frequently occurs from dirt, unclean water, intestinal contents or from dirty knives, hands or clothing of the workers. These factors all result in infection of the meat, bacteria multiplication and possible toxin production. A general lack of clean water and refrigeration facilities in the hot, humid conditions prevalent in this region, the presence of flies and unhygienic marketing practices amongst other numerous unhygienic factors contribute immensely to the danger of consumer infection.
In Sekondi-Takoradi the picture is no different as such there is the urgent need for an intervention to be made to salvage the situation.
A design intervention in the form of a modem abattoir with simple, appropriate technology would result in hygienic slaughtering and handling of meat thereby preventing the spread of meat borne disease in both humans and animals whilst ensuring that only disease-free meat and meat products reach the markets as well as employing prudent measures to protect the environment from waste generated in the abattoir.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture.