Methodist Conference Centre (and Guest House Facilities)

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The main drawing factor which generates a continuing demand for meetings is the need for communication at a personalized level. The opportunity for individuals, particularly in those activities which involve problem solving and innovation to exchange ideas and views. Electronic and printed information cannot be substitute for this personal contact. The importance of a congress or conferences lies not only in what is said on the platform but the total atmosphere of the event and the stimulation which is provided as a result. However the enormous growth in conference and convention business cannot be attributed to this motivating interest alone. The uses of the Methodist Church/Ghana like all other/of Christian organizations is very special. The function of the church has taken diverse domains from its original dogmatic world of societal and communal influences. It is in connection with these functions that sections or all members of the church do meet from time to time. Each year some 600 delegates and 200 appointees are expected to meet deliberate on issues affecting the church. The various meetings are trailed by numerous problems notably that of transport, finance, and accommodation. This idea passes great threats to many in drawing a conclusion on the successfulness of future meetings within the church. There has never been a period in our history when travelling whether for business or pleasure, has been so easy, cheap and popular. An attempt to put a conference centre is therefore in the right direction. This dissertation is an attempt to set out proposals for the realization of the dream. Hence it is one if the necessary tooling-up studies for development of such facilities in Ghana. The approach in tackling this dissertation was first the initial data collection of available statistical data and documented facts analysis of this information leads to problem identification and solution. Drawn up conclusion produced on appropriate design brief with other related presentations
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture Examination, 1990