The socio-economic and aesthetic values of street sculptures in Kumasi.
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The study based on the findings of a qualitative research approach looked at the little
known fact about the socio-economic value of street sculptors and their sculptures to
the aesthetic relevance and the tourist potential for the Kumasi metropolis. The study
developed a keen interest in the relationships between sculptures and the environment,
sculptures and the history, sculpture and the tourism. Data were collected from
Kumasi street sculptors who produce sculptures, residents, tourists in selected tourist
centres through interviews, observation and questionnaire. The study revealed that
some of the sculptures are of poor artistic quality and badly mounted and
negleted.There is also a lack of public appreciation for street sculptures due to the
unconcerned attitude to the unattractive conditions of street sculptures in the city of
Kumasi. The study revealed that street sculptors and their sculptures apart from the
beautification of the environs of the Kumasi metropolis play a great deal of role in the
socio-economic development of the Ghana at large. It is also concluded that based on
the findings of the study that the sculptural works of the street sculptors preserve the
cultural heritage and also promote cultural growth among the people. The findings of
the study also revealed that sculptures are highly patronaged by both local and foreign
tourists which obviously promote tourism in the Kumasi metropolis. It is therefore the
conviction of the researcher that, if this document is meticulously studied by
researchers, curriculum planner, art educators, and the policy makers, street sculptors
could be helped and can therefore work to achieve a good standard of living. And also
to ensure beautification of cities and the nation at large. In sum, the fun and
excitement of the street art creativity have been swallowed up by the ineptitude of
officialdom. Red tapeism always kills aesthetic appetite.
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah university of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy.