Examining the impact of works procurement methods in the Ghana Armed Forces
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Public procurement continues to evolve amidst efforts by governments to regulate, control and
maximize their expenditure. In Ghana public procurement is regulated by the Public Procurement
Act, 2003, Act 663. The Auditor General's Annual Reports for 2011 and 2012 revealed there were
lapses in the procurement activities of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF). These lapses were in the
acquisition of goods, works and services and included non-compliance with rules and regulations
and disregard of the principles of procurement The aim of the study was to examine the impact of
works procurement methods GAF in the past 10years. The aim is supported by two objectives,
thus; to identify the most frequently used methods of procurement for works contracts in the GAF
and to identify the impact on time of the frequently used methods of works procurement. The study
is descriptive in nature and used purposive sampling to draw its sample size from the Directorate
of Engineer Services and Directorate of Procurement in the GAF. The data was collated, coded
and inputted into Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) for analyzes
and interpretation. The research discovered that apart from the Two-Stage tendering, the other four
(4) methods of procurement were used for works procurement in the GAF and the open
competitive method was the most frequently used. Also it discovered that GAF having been using
an in-house procurement procedure for minor works contracts (CSIP Vol IV). The study
recommended that the GAF continue to apply open competitive tendering, restricted tendering and
request for quotation methods to non-core defence procurements while sole sourcing and restricted
tendering were used for core defence procurement tendering.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Building Technology, College of Art and Built Environment in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science,