The impact of traffic education on road safety in Ghana: the case of selected geographical areas in Ashanti Region
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Education on road safety in Ghana has recently assumed much intensity and yielded a tremendous improvement in road safety. However, at its rudimentary stages, the traffic educational process was found to be muddled and lopsided, with little prospect of achieving maximum effect. Discrepant and incoherent discourses were contained in traffic teaching and learning materials. Invalid and unreliable units of evaluation were used to assess the performance of motorists. A number of road signs, the law, and Traffic Law Enforcement Agents functioned in ways that placed the motorist in an uncomfortable road-user system which affected his attitude and eventually led to prosecution.
Significantly, the study refuted, with substantial data, a general speculative perception that motorists who have not had school education (wrongly described as illiterates) are the category of drivers who are deficient in driving, incapable of identifying road signs, and the major cause of road accidents.
Studying drunk-driving closely, the research found that other drugs belonging to the benzodiazepines, anthelmintics and antihistamines (genuinely obtained from the hospital or pharmaceutical shops) also cause the same effects of drunk-driving but had not attracted enough attention to be discussed in traffic education.
Generally, the study established that, the crux of the problem regarding ineffective traffic education was created by the lack of a curriculum leading to insequential teaching and learning activity.
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Arts degree in Art Education.