Green scm practices, customer development, and sustainable performance
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The current study explored the linkage that exists between Green SCM Practices, Customer Development, and Sustainable Performance. The population of this study comprised of one hundred and forty (140) registered mining firms in Ghana. With regard to the study population, the study concentrated on the firm-level analysis, and that 100 respondents (supply chain managers) from the respective mining firm participated in the study. The source of data was primary. The instrument for data collection was closed-ended questionnaire. The data generated was analyzed using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression and structural equation modelling (SEM) technique to determine the effect the independent variables have on sustainable performance. The study draw four conclusions: SCM Practices has a significant positive effect on Operational Performance; SCM Practices has a positive and significant effect on Customer Development; Customer Development has no significant effect on Operational Performance. More importantly, the study concluded that customer development does not mediate the effect of Green SCM practices on sustainable performance. With regard to these findings, the study recommended that there must be a concerted effort by managers of manufacturing firms to continue to look into ways to increase its service operation performance through SCM Practices. Also, supply chain managers should embark on research and benchmark the level of adoption of Green SCM practices with customers and suppliers, and thus direct efforts to improve sustainable performance. With the future recommendation, the study recommends that future studies should consider using qualitative or mixed method approach in conducting the study to ensure there is the availability of rich data to support the findings.
A thesis submitted to the department of supply chain and information systems, Kwame Nkrumah university of science and technology, Kumasi in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award degree of master of science in logistics and supply chain