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- ItemDistrict Development through Spatial Integration: Case Study of the Dangme West District(1991) McIntosh, Cheryl AnnThe development in many third world countries has not proceeded in a manner whereby the distribution of functions is equitable. As a result, there is a concentration of functions in one area, usually the largest metropolitan city, to the detriment of rural settlements. Consequently, there is the marginalization of rural economies and the creation of settlements whose functional characteristics are not sufficiently varied to stimulate economic growth. Much has been debated about the underdevelopment of small towns and cities. The evidence that small towns and cities can perform a wide variety of functions has been accompanied by indications that few of them that are able to promote growth and integration in rural areas actually do so. The explanation put forward is that the settlement system in rural regions is inadequately articulated. The reasons given are: an insufficient number of lo order central places, an inadequate distribution of functions and weak linkages among settlements in rural regions. The argument for developing small towns and cities is based upon the Central Place Theory. The theory states that widespread economic growth requires that an articulated and integrated system of settlements, comprising of towns and cities of different sizes and varied functions are created. An investigation based on the premise that a well-integrated system of rural towns provides central functions to their population and to the hinterland population was undertaken. The study examines the level of integration and its effect on the socio-economic development in a district. It determines whether the disintegration of the district economy is in fact due to an inadequately articulated settlement system. The place used as a case study for this investigation, is the Dangme West district, Ghana, formerly an economically active district that is now economically depressed. The data – gathering procedures that have been in this study included an individual as well as group effort. Relevant information was also derived from the Spring Programme (Workshop) 1990/1991 which performed a study of the Dangme West district for purposes of formulating a development plan. The individual effort required the administration of questionnaires and the review of literature provided by the District Assembly of the Dangme West district. The analytical procedures that were used determined the number of low-order central places, the distribution of functions, and the degree of linkages among settlements. The findings of the analyses justify the statement that the settlement system is not adequately integrated. A strategy of district development through spatial integration has been proposed to revitalize the economy of the Dangme West district.
- ItemA study of the ovarian activity of the royal antelope (Neotragus Pygmaeus L.) in the humid forest zone of Ghana( 1998) Lamptey, Ernest LanteOvarian activity of the royal antelope (Neotragus pygmaeus L) was studied for 12 months by examining 324 female carcasses at the fresh bushmeat market at ‘Atwemonom’, Kumasi. The results indicate that royal antelopes are polyoestrous throughout the year with only one egg being ovulated during each cycle and also that ovulation occurs at random between the left and the right ovaries- There were no statistically significant differences in the activity of the ovaries between the dry (November - February) and the wet (March - October) seasons at the 5% significance level. Similarly, no statistically significant differences were found between the closed (August-November) and the hunting (December-July) seasons in the activity of the ovaries. It was also observed that, implantation of the fertilised egg always occurred unilaterally in the right uterine horn irrespective of whether ovulation took place in the left or the right ovary. Pregnancies occurred throughout the year with a peak towards the end of the wet season (October) which also fell within the closed season of hunting of wild animals. This observation might suggest justification for the closed season for the hunting of wild animals imposed by the Wildlife Department. Royal antelopes are monotocous and give birth throughout the year. The births are bimodally distributed with peaks in the wet seasons (April-June and September).
- ItemKNUST Sets Four World Records At A Pace(2009) Department of Painting and SculptureCould you believe that the Kwame Nkrumah university of Science and technology, Kumasi (KNUST), Ghana, set four records at a pace in 2009, and has not as yet received any detailed publicity? Though a report was made by posting the pacesetting programme and thesis on the internet, the four pacesetting records were not mentioned. Well, better late than never, as goes the axiom. It is better to attend late or to start late than never attempting at all. Jesus admonished humanity to let their light shine (Matthew 5:16). No matter how small the light is, it ought to be lit to shine, to brighten the corner where it is. The said four paces, though could not be said of as so enormous, but since it is a conglomerate pacesetter at the height of academic endeavour, it requires the attention of at least the global academia. Because the pace was set in the field of academia, it would be better to briefly dilate on academic research as prelude. In all fields of academic endeavour, a conducted research should include reasonable review of Related Literature and Fieldwork Research before data is analysed and interpreted, expounding the underpinning concepts or philosophies. In some programmes, practical research ought to be conducted, for example, at the Laboratory. The processes and analyses as well as interpretations ought to be involved in the practical aspect to support the Fieldwork, as philosophic presence is to be felt in the various sections, especially the Analyses and the Interpretations.
- ItemThe impact of training and development on job performance (A case study of the Judicial Service of Ghana)(2009-08-05) Kennedy, JosephThe Judicial Service of Ghana as a Public Service Institution is the organ responsible for the day to day administration of the Courts and Tribunals of the land. To achieve the above function of the Judicial Service of Ghana, part of its budgetary allocation has been earmarked solely for training of judges, magistrates and judicial staff to enhance their capacity to perform their duties effectively and efficiently so as to achieve the vision and mission statements of the Service. To this effect, the judicial training institute which has the mandate to promote effective training of judges, magistrates and judicial staff, has over the years conducted and continue to provide training to judges, magistrates and judicial staff to build their capacity to perform their functions effectively. Notwithstanding the huge investment in training by the Judicial Service of Ghana, the service is confronted with a lot of challenges in achieving its vision and mission statements. These challenges include delays in the processing of court cases and the need to constantly upgrade the skills of judicial staff, judges and magistrates to cope with new trends in efficient justice delivery. This study seeks to evaluate the impact of the huge investment made in training on job performance of judicial staff. The researcher used both primary and secondary sources of for the conduct the research. The research findings revealed that the training conducted by the Judicial Service of Ghana for its employees was very negligible. The research further recommends that the frequency of Training provided by the Judicial Service of Ghana should be improved to ensure that more employees have access to Training and Development. Again, Training and Development offered by the Judicial Service of Ghana should ensure a better understanding of the Mission and Vision statement of the Judicial Service of Ghana so that, employees can identify themselves with the organizational values in the discharge of the duties.
- ItemCommunity participation in project preparation and management in the Upper West Region.(2010-07-12) Aalangdong, Edmund NibeneeOver the last two decades Ghana and many other Sub-Saharan countries have undergone several economic restructuring through the assistance of the International Monitory Fund, World Bank and other international bodies. Most of these assistance have come in the form of aids, projects and financial assistance, all aimed at reducing the poverty among its people. The Upper West Region of Ghana, which is currently the poorest Region with 9 out of every 10 of its people being poor, is no doubt one of the major beneficiaries of donor assistance and government supported projects and the two study areas, Sissala East and Wa municipality, have experienced their fare share of such projects. The six selected communities: Kassanpouri, Sentie, Tumu, Bugubelle, Bamahu and Nakori are active areas of development interventions in the Region as a result of endemic poverty found in these areas. The study therefore tried to do an analysis of community participation in project preparation and management among these projects in these communities to ascertain the impact of these projects and to determine the level of community involvement in the implementation of the projects under study (EU micro project- donor project, Village Loans and Savings Association- NGO project and Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty- Government project). The categorization of these projects into Government projects, donor projects and NGO projects is to help ascertain among these projects, the one that involves much more community participation in its operations. Data collected from both secondary and primary source from six purposively selected rural communities in the Upper West Region were analysed and some of the major findings include: Government Supported Projects, LEAP in Sentie and Kassanpouri • The study revealed that the government supported projects (LEAP) was totally an initiative government brought down to the beneficiary communities. The communities were only in support of it since they felt it was free money that would bring them some relief. Donor Supported Project, EU micro project in Tumu and Bugubelle Relatively the donor supported projects offered more beneficiary involvement in the projects’ activities. • The study revealed that the EU project was conceived and initiated by the government in collaboration with the donors. The projects (a three unit classroom block and a CHPs compound) at the community level were however initiated by the community members themselves through community animations conducted by the Project District Coordinator. It is worth noting that even though the communities did not initiate the projects at the national level, the facilitating agencies (Sissala East District Assembly and project coordinator), through participatory methods were able to facilitate the communities into accepting and owning the projects. NGO Supported Projects, Village Loans and Savings Association (VLSA) in Bamahu and Sentie • The study revealed that the project was an initiative of Plan Ghana and Care International with support from Barclays UK with the aim of inculcating in people the habit of savings culture. The communities were in support of it since they knew it was for their own benefit. Re-Orientation of the Governmental Implementing Agencies, the need for a policy dialogue between donors and recipient governments on the need for beneficiary participation at all stages of the project cycle and the involvement of beneficiary communities in procurement processes to ensure transparency are among some of the recommendations proposed in the study. It is anticipated that the implementation of the proposed recommendations in this study would help ensure adequate community participation in project preparation and management.
- ItemThe effect of organisational structure on project performance: the case of Aga Ltd.(2011) Aniagyei, WinfredGold production for Anglogold Ashanti Ltd- Obuasi Mine (AGA Ltd) has declined significantly in recent times. One of the strategies adopted to make the mine sustainable is by implementing capital projects in order to meet the medium and long term goals. However studies have shown that an appropriate organisational structure is contingent upon the type of work performed and the environment in which the organisation conducts its’ Business. Hence the major objective of the study is to examine the relationship between the organisational structure and the performance of projects in AGA Ltd-Obuasi. The research adopts an inductive case study approach with both qualitative and quantitative research method for collecting and analysing the data. Sample of the various categories of workers was taken from the Company’s total population using convenience and purposive sampling techniques. Interviews and questionnaires were employed as the main tool of data collection for the study. A Crosstab analysis was adopted for the analyses of the relationship. The study found out that the organisational structure in place of AGA Ltd-Obuasi is mechanistic which relates to projects in a very weak matrix structure due to the nature of its operations, the strategy adopted, the size of the company and the need to respond rapidly to the dynamic complexity of the external environment. However this structure is the source of major problems in implementation of projects as the study revealed and concluded that some of the organisational structure related factors significantly impact inversely to the categories of the key performance index namely time, cost and quality. Based on this, a ‘projectised’ structure i.e a project structure was recommended to be adopted among other recommendation made by the study.
- ItemThe impact of human resource management practices on Teachers’ turnover in private basic Schools: A case study of some selected Schools in Obuasi Municipality(2014-07-24) Akaadom Kwasi, EricThe purpose of the study was to ascertain the impact of human resource management practices on teachers’ turnover intention in basic private schools in Obuasi Municipal Assembly. Specifically, the study sought to assess the impact of human resource management practices on teachers’ turnover intention, and to evaluate the human resource practices, which correlates high with teachers’ turnover, and draw comprehensive measures that can be adopted to improve HRM practices and reduce employee turnover intention. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional case study and exploratory design using quantitative method. A multi-stage sampling method was used to select 200 teachers, head teachers and proprietors to participate in this study. The data were gathered by administering structured questionnaires. The data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18. The results indicated that performance appraisal and training and development were the most commonly used human resource management practices (mean of 3.16 and 3.00 respectively). Results of regression analysis indicate that much of the variation in the dependent variable is explained with adjusted R-square of 0.152 and Fvalue of 6.770 (p = 0.000) indicating that human resource management practices has an effect on teachers’ turnover. The results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that employer-employee relationship and performance appraisal were the two human resource management practices that had greater influence on teachers’ turnover. They explained about 15% of the variation in teachers’ turnover.
- ItemImplications of biblical prophecy for contemporary Neoprophetic Ministry in Ghana(KNUST, 2017-10) Asamoah Nyamekye, GeorgeNeo-prophetic ministries have gained currency in the Ghanaian society. This thesis examines the activities of present-day Ghanaian prophetic ministries in the light of biblical prophecy. The researcher visited many churches of different denominations in the Kumasi metropolis to familiarize himself with their activities. It was found out that the akwankyerε i.e directions given by the prophets differed from church to church. The use of anointing oil is widespread among the prophetic ministries. Some people believe that after the anointing oil has been blessed by a prophet it assumes a supernatural power and in consequence its application induces miracles. Some abuses have been observed in the operation of some of the prophets. Consequently, it has been recommended that the activities of neo-prophetic ministries should be regulated. Various church organizations with umbrella bodies like the C.C.G., the G.P.C.C., the Ghana Catholic Bishop Conference etc. can combine forces and come out with modalities to regulate the exercise of prophecy in the country.
- ItemExamining the emerging career trajectories in quantity surveying in Ghana(November, 2015.) Nortey, EmmanuelThe Quantity surveying career has been revitalized during the last few years since developing demands for building and variations in the business and the building procedure bid both trials and chances. In Ghana, the profession has reacted to the increasing demands of clients and the public with the emergence of new career trajectories to enable the profession be more valuable in offering extended services. This study therefore purports to examine the emerging career trajectories in the Ghanaian Quantity Surveying Profession with the view to establishing the different aspects of these career trajectories within the Ghanaian profession, also to determine the level of adaptation within the construction industry and its effects on the professional and lastly the challenges associated with its emergence. Qualitative and quantitative research approaches were used in tandem. Using a triangulation of survey, interviews and observations and a simple random sampling technique, data was collected from 75 professionals who have had considerable experience in the field of quantity surveying. The study revealed among others that there are emerging career trajectories such as investment appraisal, procurement services, whole life costing, risk management, value management, facility management, project management, environmental services and costing, technical auditing, sustainability advisors and sub contract administration. Although these emerging career trajectories have been adapted within the construction industry there are however shortages of competencies in some areas such as investment appraisal, environmental services and costing and sustainability advisors. The effect of these services has had positive impressions on the profession as professionals have become more valuable and competent in the rendering of services. However, there are challenges associated with such career paths such as the role of leadership and the competency level of the professional within these emerging trajectories. Informed recommendations such as strategy partnership with countries that has developed these emerging trends, training and iii i development in areas of low competencies level i.e sustainability advisors, environmental services and cost and investment appraisal are encouraged. The profession should also be customer focus since the client satisfaction is the ultimate aim in our service.
- ItemAssessing corporate governance practices in selected microfinance institutions in Ghana(September, 2015) Yankah, Nana Kojo EnyanMicrofinance institutions (MFIs) are playing an increasing role in the delivery of financial services to SMEs in Ghana. They have proven to be a powerful tool for promoting inclusive economic growth and employment generation. However, events such as huge financial scams by Onward Investment Limited in 2012, the PYRAM case and the seemingly bankruptcy of Noble Dreams Financial Services have raised many questions about trust, credibility and governance issues in the financial sector. This study therefore sought to assess governance practices in some selected Microfinance institutions in the Ashanti Region. The research was descriptive in nature. It combined both quantitative and qualitative approaches in the data analysis. The population comprises 170 “Tier 2” Microfinance Institutions operating in the Ashanti region out of which a sample of 4 institutions with a total of 116 respondents were chosen using convenience sampling technique. The main data sources included both primary and secondary. At the end, the study found some conflict of interest situations resulting from the fact that majority of CEO’s in the selected MFIs doubled as chairs of their board. Again the study found that many Microfinance institutions in the Ashanti Region did not have structured policies for reviewing CEOs compensations and performance. Reducing owner concentration was also identified as the most important variable in improving governance practices within MFIs. To address the challenges enumerated, the researcher recommends that MFIs review the role and contribution of non-executive directors to ensure that all directors have a sound understanding of the company’s operations. It is also important to ensure that directors have access to all the information required to function effectively. Auditing of financial statements must be tightened to meet the agreed International Accounting Standards.