College of Art and Built Environment

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    Asante Folklore and Kumasi Kiosk Architecture:a Visual Exploration of Hybridity and Mythography
    (KNUST, 2009-02) OPPONG, E. T.
    This studio-based research improvises on the architectonics of Kumasi kiosks. I present the ensuing body of artefacts as a working prototype which joins on-going cultural conversations on hybridity in contemporary art. The typical Kumasi kiosk is referenced as a site for negotiation of boundaries in its design, setting and function, but I have also made allusions to suggestions of hybridity and boundary negotiation in the polyvalent structure of Asante myth and folklore. I made a close study of three hundred kiosks located in the urban quarters of Kumasi. I also engaged such thinkers on hybrid spaces as Homi Bhabha , Jacques Derrida, Michael Foucault, Stuart Hall, Paul Gilroy, etc, to discourse on Asante mythology. I laid emphasis on the myth of ɔhyeεni (ɔhene-king), a patriarchal figure who negotiates boundaries, Asante and Akan filial kinship narrative from Asante history. I employed a personal technique of painting, -Aberphoh, which is a reconfiguration of abstract expressionist and surrealist genres. Asante art forms laden with their myths, some of which visually portrayed mythology, especially the totems, were also studied as the basis upon which art works were recreated in the form of paintings on sculptural structures created with plywood. I used the Asante myth of Abubu-mmabaa to explore the structural dialogue of inside and outside in my hybridized artefact. I have also presented an iconographic catalogue of totems and symbols which appear on the inner and outer surfaces of my structures. I present my project as an artefact to be contained in a gallery space as well as a structure or site which contains other artefacts. Like the Kumasi kiosk, these structures are not intended to be permanently site-specific. Each is collapsible and foldable and thus portable to any possible location for re-erection and exhibition. It is a cross genre installation interfacing painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry and performance.
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    Construction of a Texturing Device for Managing Surface Defects of Locally Produced Vegetable Tanned Leather
    (2017-11) Sefaah Tabi, Jennifer
    Leather surface quality is very vital when it comes to leather artefact production. Leather surface defects reduces the surface quality of leather thereby affecting the value of the leather products on the market. In view of this, this research emphasizes the need to utilize leather surface defect management techniques which is keen as it tends to improve the surface quality of the leather and its products at large. The study identified various defects and management methods which are currently implored by leather users to manage surface defects. The research further designed, produced and tested the efficacy of an alternative leather defect management device. This intervention was adopted based on the assertion made by Allman (2012-2016), Deines (2014) and Anon (n.d.) that texturing contributes quality to surfaces and their appearance by improving and correcting surface imperfections. By employing the qualitative methodology to address the problems identified the research used arguments and suggestions to advance the fact that texturing truly improves and corrects surface imperfections in some leather defects. Defects which could be corrected include grain loosening and wrinkled surface defects. Defects like holes and patched remained as they are after the intervention. Cuts, molds, and parasitic infections were slightly nullified. The study further recommended other researchers to take it upon and develop different textures to test effectiveness of varying textures for various leather surface defects.
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    Art Therapy in Special Needs Education: A Case of Autism in New Horizon Special School in Accra
    (KNUST, 2017-08) Esi Saah, Gracevictoria
    Inclusive Education (IE) has become very necessary in education today, and the increasing prevalence of cases such as autism and the fear of autistic individuals missing out on quality education to assist them attain their full potential as they get integrated into society cannot be denied. Unfortunately, the Special Educational Needs Policy of Ghana does not include a curriculum for teaching autistic children. Autism schools and teachers in Ghana are compelled to use curriculums that may not suit the needs and learning styles of autistic learners or adopt curriculums of other jurisdictions. This study investigated how autism teachers teach and autistic learners imbibe instructions, and the therapies used at the New Horizon Special School at Cantonments in Accra, Ghana. The study also explored the world and characteristics of autistic learners and how they function, and how the inclusion of Art Therapy as an intervention may be helpful in teaching autistic learners at the New Horizon Special School, as studies have proved its efficacy in this regard. The research being qualitative was quasi￾experimental and descriptive in nature, and adopted observation and interview as data collection instruments. These helped to identify and describe the characteristics of autistic learners at the school, the instructional strategies and existing therapies employed in the school, and their influences or impact on the education of Numeracy and Literacy. It also facilitated the description of Art therapy sessions, processes and outcomes on the behaviour and coping skills of autistic pupils were also described. Purposive, cluster and simple random sampling techniques were adopted for the study; sampling 21 participants comprising 9 autistic pupils each in the senior and junior autism classes, 2 autism teachers and 1 sensory coach. The study identified art therapy as a worthy inclusion in the education of autistic individuals. Therefore, a series of art therapy sessions were conducted for autistic learners in groups and individually during which their behavioural differences were observed. The art of the autistic learners was interpreted for the development of an art therapy inclusive teaching model for autistic individuals. The model was pre-tested and was found to enhance the communication and personality of the autistic learners while improving classroom management. Typically, aggressive and hyperactive pupils had better control of their emotions through art therapy in Numeracy and Literacy education. Therefore, Art therapy was proposed as a worthy intervention in the education of autistic learners at New Horizon Special School
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    The Aesthetic and Socio-Cultural Values of Selected Akan Traditional Games
    (KNUST, 2017-08) Mariwah Kwame, Charles
    Traditional games are structured games with rules and regulations governing them. No special equipment is needed for playing such games and they are usually accompanied by songs. They reflect the values and beliefs of their parent cultures. In the past Akan traditional games used to play very important role in Bono culture. Traditional games which were formerly played by the youth in basic schools and homes instilled upright and good moral values in the youth. However, its attributes appear to be fading nowadays. Ghanaian youth especially Drobo traditional area are unaware about the aesthetics in the Akan traditional games and how such games can impact positively on their socio-cultural lives. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to educate the youth on the aesthetic and socio-cultural values of selected Akan traditional games for awareness creation among the people of Drobo for its revival. The objectives of the research were to identify and describe selected Akan traditional games, the aesthetic qualities and socio-culture values in the Akan traditional games among the people of Drobo traditional area of Brong Ahafo Region in Ghana. Qualitative design and descriptive research method were used and the instruments employed were interviews and observations. The sampling technique adopted were purposive and convenience. The target population for the study was fifty (50) comprising traditional Chiefs and Queen Mothers, Sub-chiefs, and Opinion Leaders in Drobo traditional area. The total sampled size was 23 which consist of traditional chiefs and queen mothers (3), sub-chiefs (8) and opinion leaders (12). The findings on The selected Akan traditional games played among the people of Drobo traditional area were: Antoakyire, Ampe, Mpeewa, Sansankr]ma, Karikokoo, Pempenaa, Hwehw[ mu k]yi wo d]fo, Teele (As]), Ahyehy[aba, Adenkum, Story-telling, Oware and Dame. The aesthetic qualities found in the Akan traditional games were: Balance, variety, repetition, space, movement, colour, dominance, unity, harmony, rhythm and contrast. The Akan traditional games depict socio-cultural values such as; friendship, unity, sense of belongingness, communal spirit and education. It is recommended that the people of Drobo traditional area should encourage the youth to play the selected Akan traditional games in their communities, cultural festivals should be organized in the schools on these selected Akan traditional games for the people to appreciate the identified aesthetic qualities in them and the processes involved in the playing of the selected Akan traditional games should be documented to improve the socio-cultural lives of the people of Drobo Traditional Area.
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    Studies on Chuchuru, a Socio-Cultural Practice and its Effects on Social Development in Navrongo Traditional Area in the Upper East Region
    (KNUST, 2017-11) Azumi Atigah, Theresa
    The chuchuru phenomenon is a cultural practice of the Kasena-Nankana people in the Navrongo traditional area of the Upper East Region. It is a practice where children born with congenital abnormalities are declared to be chuchuru and this leads to their execution since they are seen to be carriers of evil and misfortunes to their families and the community at large. An investigation by Anas Arimeyaw Anas led to the arrest of some of the concoction men, yet, very little has been done to expose the negative effects of the practice and to put an end to it. The research methods used are qualitative approach and descriptive method. The research techniques employed are interviews, focus group discussion and observation; pictures were taken regarding the chuchuru practice. The scope of the study has been limited to seven communities in the Navrongo traditional area such as Namolo, Vunania, Biu, Kologo, Wuru, Pugu, and Naga. The study also revealed the barbaric and cruel cultural practice which the accused children passed through. The interviewees were of the view that something needs to be done to abolish the practice among the people of the area to save the lives of the innocent children killed all the time. The community stands to benefit from this study due to the recommendations made to Community Based Organization, the Government Agencies such as the CHRAJ and the National Commission for Civic Education to extend their programs to cover the community so as to bring cultural sanity to the inhabitants.