Assessing the effects of high employee turnover in Nestle business services
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In contemporary labour market the issue of labour turnover and its effects on
productivity has become a topic of great concern. This therefore calls for assessing
the effect of employee turnover in the Nestle Business Services. Using case study
design, data was collected through the use of a close-ended questionnaire from a
sample of 100 staff, using the quota sampling method. The data was analysed with
SPSS and Minitab and presented in percentages and simple statistical tables. The
findings revealed that The Nestle Business Services have experienced steady rise in
turnover from 2011 to 2017. The average turnover rate was found to be 17.58% and
estimate the 2018 and 2019 to hit 19.22% and 20.24% respectively. The significant
causes of employee turnover were identified as lack of retention plans or strategies;
poor Employee assistant Programs; and work Load or content of employees. The
critical effect of high employee turnover in the Nestle Business Services was grouped
into positive and negative. The significant negative effects of employee turnover are:
increase in work load; decreases organizations performance; increase cost; lowering
the knowledge base of the organization; wastage of resources; and decline in work
productivity. Also, the significant positive effects of employee turnover are: gaining
of fresh ideas by employing new workers and also it gives employees who left the
chance to upgrade themselves. It is therefore recommended that the organization
should organize capacity building through training, participation in workshops,
conferences and seminars to help develop the employees. It is also recommended that
working relationship among employees should be improved by appreciating their
effort and also paying them well
This thesis is submitted to Department of
Construction Technology and Management,
College of Built Art and Environment.
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
Award of MSC Project Management.
Employee turnover, Nestle Business Services