An assessment of the funding for cocoa purchases in Ghana between 1993 and 2004
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This study looks at the importance of cocoa industry to the Ghanaian economy, the problems facing the industry and solutions to these problems; the global cocoa industry situation, theoretical basis of commodity financing and the cocoa financing situation in other producing countries. The emphasis of this study is on how cocoa financing in Ghana has been generated over the years, the problems associated with these sources and remedies that have been adopted in dealing with these problems.
The theme of the study ‘An Assessment of Funding for Cocoa Purchases in Ghana between 1993/94 and 2004/05 Cocoa Seasons’ is more appropriate at the time when Ghana has been moving from one source of funding to another all in the bid of finding the most appropriate and cost effective source of financing cocoa purchases in the country. Financing cost alone forms between 30-40% of the operating cost of cocoa purchases and so determining the most cost effective source of financing cocoa business in the country would be most welcome.
In arriving at the conclusion a well structured conceptual model has been framed to help in developing the concepts and the analysis to determine the right course for Ghana in choosing the appropriate source of funding cocoa purchases as well as exports.
A thesis submitted to the KNUST School of Business in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of MBA.