Institute of Book Industry
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The book industry refers to the single industry that embraces all the various stages and processes of book publishing. It is indeed a very broad field involving some parties directly and others indirectly.
The book industry involves four main partners in formal terms although all four could be found in just one person. These are the Author, the printer, the bookseller and the publisher. Today, the first three of the partners are well-known in almost all civilizations but the fourth and normally a silent partner, the publisher is less known especially in developing nations or areas.
The publisher is that person in the central position of the industry who normally organises and coordinates the activities of all the other parties involved in book publishing.
In most cases too, the publisher is the risk-taker since it is he/she who organises the funding of and any particular publishing project.
Book publishing itself has 4 main areas of specialization or branches. They are:
(a) Editing
(b) Designing
(c) Production
(d) Distribution & Marketing
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture.