Herbal Pharmaceutical Plant, Mampong-Akuapim

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About 80% of the people in the developing countries rely heavily on traditional medicine as the source of Primary Health Care (P.H.C.). Most of the indigenous medicines are herbal preparations and to make them acceptable in Health Care, they must be improved through the application of modem science and technology; this includes the preparation, production and storage of herbal preparations or traditional pharmaceuticals. Currently one can appreciate the great improvement in this area by: (1) The increased research into the scientific preparation and storage of the herbal preparations. (2) The improved presentation of herbal preparations in the form of capsules, tablets and syrups. The ALMA-ALTA Conference held in 1978 adopted Primary Health Care (P.H.C.) as the cost effective strategy for providing health for the majority of the people. The declaration of the ALMA-ALTA in 1978 was preceded by a number of national, regional and international meetings on Primary Health Care held throughout the world. It is now a W.H.O. Policy to encourage the development and incorporation of traditional medicine and herbal preparations into the Primary Health Care of every country in the world. The tools for the delivery of P.H.C. exist in all countries and this is Traditional Medicine. What is needed is the further development and equitable distribution of the facilities for the delivery of Primary Health Care. In Eastern countries such as China and India, traditional medicine including acupuncture and Anyureclic remedies are already well accepted. Making Plants heal in Traditional Medicine. A Primary Health Care delivery Effort at Dr. Noamesi Laboratories Ltd. By Dr. G.K. Noamesi It was also realized that traditional medicine had the potential of greatly cutting down the amount of money the developing countries on importing drugs. It therefore makes both socio-medical and economic sense to provide a pharmaceutical plant specialized in the cheap, efficient and quick processing of herbal preparations to make them (1) Socially and scientifically acceptable (2) Easily marketable (3) Adequate in supply to meet the new demands made on traditional medicine.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture.