The promotion of small-scale industries at the micro-level: a case study of the Enowid strategy in the Ahanta West District
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The provision of assistance to small scale industries is generally acknowledged to be vital to industrial development because of certain externalities which limit their viability. There are a number of institutions specifically set up by government to provide such assistance. These agencies, however, have been unable to provide adequate services to industries at the micro level partly because of constraints on their activities at the district level.
The objectives of the paper were to review and assess the activities of a scheme set up under the Programme of Action to Mitigate the Social Costs of Adjustment (PANSCAD), known as ENOWID (Enhancing Opportunities for Women in Development), which is currently providing assistance to women
industrialists in Ahanta West District. The scheme had been in operation for one and a half years at the time of the study. ENOWID’s aims are to provide technical and financial support to increase rural women’s production, increase their management skills, and the marketing of their products, and also to encourage them to link increased income with improve family welfare.
The study came up with certain findings. In brief, these were that: the district was very poorly provided with industrial promotion services; credit acquisition through the project by the industrialists boosted their profits; there was a less marked success with the marketing, managerial training aspects of the project. There were also indicators that family welfare was improved.
Recommendations were made for projects to give assistance in areas of industrial potential in the district. Locations were suggested, for the targeting of such assistance. The recommendations stressed the need for adequate project preparation and consultation by district planners and technical staff. A flow chart of suggested planning method was provided as well as an organogram of a proposed linkage system for relevant institutions and groups involved in the project.
A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Environmental and Development Studies,
University of Science and Technology, Kumasi in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Development Planning and Management.