Evaluation of the art programme in the school for the blind, Akropong - Akwapim
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This long essay is intended to examine the art, programme in the School for the Blind with the view to providing the panacea to the problems faced by the school, in terms of materials and new processes of Art. New materials like wood, metal, jute fibres, coconut fibres, leather, and cellophane, to mention these few have been introduced by the author into making different art forms. All purported to widening the scope of art for the students of the school.
The introductory part deals among others, with the position and site of the school and its history, pin-pointing personalities who threw their weight behind its success. The nature of blindness has been treated and explanation given to the technical terms used throughout the script. Subsequent chapters deal with the review of related literature pertaining to art for the blind, observation of students at work and evaluation of the art programme in the school. This is followed by the introduction of new materials and processes and the impact made, problems encountered and solutions, coupled with recommendations.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Art Education,