Theological Reflection of Christian Education on Some Selected Mission Churches in Akyem Abuakwa
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This thesis assesses and examines the effectiveness of Christian education in terms of
its transformational impact on members of three selected mission Churches:
Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG), Methodist Church Ghana (MCG) and Roman
Catholic Church (RCC) in Akyem Abuakwa traditional area. The thesis emphasises
that Christian education has never been effective in the three selected mission
Churches. The causes are: failure among many members to set a high priority on
Christian education programmes, the busy schedules of the adults and the youth, lack
of parental interest in their children’s education, the lack of interest in adult learning,
failure of Ministers and Priests to visit children during Church service, high level of
illiteracy in rural communities and small budget allocation for Christian education at
the expense of heavy capital intensive projects in the Churches. Furthermore, most
of the Christian education committees in various congregations are not functioning
and there is lack of implementation of Christian educational policies. The study also
reveals that lack of resources has affected Christian education in the three selected
mission Churches.
Furthermore, the study then shows that the lives of most of the members of the three
selected Churches could be transformed to be Christlike if members would give
Christian education a priority. Christian educators should be qualified personnel
who are well versed in the Bible. Christian education committees in the various
congregations should be active and they should implement their policies. There is the
need for proper planning especially in coordination, supervision and evaluation of
Christian education programmes. Manpower development and organization of
literacy classes should be emphasized in the three selected mission Churches.
The study recommends that dependence on the Holy Spirit, if people are selected
solely for the publication of Christian education materials and also if indigenous or
traditional educational resources are given due consideration in Christian education
programmes in the three selected mission Churches, there can be effectiveness in the
educational ministry of the Church that will result in real character transformation in
the lives of their members.
A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology,in partial fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
of Master of Philosophy in Religious Studies, August-2012