Evaluation of the visual art programme in the Western Region of Ghana

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This thesis aimed at evaluating the Visual Art programme in the Western Region of Ghana and was concentrated within Shama Ahanta East Metropolitan Assembly (SAEMA) and the three Wasa districts, namely, Wassa West, Wasa Amenfi East and Wasa Amenfi West districts. It was to ascertain whether the programme was offered in the selected SSS; the subjects taught whether syllabuses were covered, the facilities or human and material resources available to the programme, and how society upholds to the programme. The research started with review of related literature and discussed information from the various books. The researcher conducted a survey in the selected SSS visual art departments, assessing the quality of the programme. The lapses of the programme were analysed and suggestions made for improvement of the quality of the programme. Students, teachers and heads of selected institutions answered questionnaires, they were interviewed and observed to assess the teaching and learning, infrastructure, logistics, patronage or social recognition, general students’ responses; performances both internally and externally, general atmosphere and perceptions about the programme. It was realised the programme is not pursued in most of the schools in the region. The only district where most of the schools offered VAP is SAEMA. Most schools do not have good facilities to qualify them for the running of the programme. The study conducted within the Wasa districts revealed only one school offered the programme and there were some lapses in the organisation of visual art in that school. Emphasis was on the teaching of Textiles and Graphic Design with other subjects not given much attention. Though, there were marked differences in between the parents and students from urban and rural setups, certain conditions seemed the same. Discrimination against VAP was paramount in the SSS as a result, members were disillusioned and these influenced students to swap programmes. In all circumstances, the best candidates hardly found their way to VAP, but wonderfully they succeed in their numbers to boast the images of the various schools. Lack of textbooks is one of the main problems confronting this programme which equally lacks sponsorship from major education stakeholders. Inadequate facilities, coupled with the absence of orientation disenable effective academic work with a grave absence of foundation at the basic level. In view of these, some urban students were surcharged each term whiles rural parents and their wards complained bitterly of the financial demanding nature of the programme as they fish out for their logistics individually. Though the current syllabuses is in use in all schools, there is no proper organisation of the programme like workshops and seminars to expose teachers to new trends, let alone cope with difficult aspects of the programme. Teachers faced with peculiar problems concerning their daily delivery had nowhere to resolve their problems since the mother organisation: Ghana Art Teachers Association (GATA) was not operational within the region. This has made the teaching of visual art decentralised at school levels.
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, (KNUST), Kumasi, In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Arts in Art Education.