The Impact of Business Development Services on Micro Enterprises in the Asante Akim South District of the Ashanti Region

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The research work investigated the impacts of training in Market access, Technical assistance and Technology development on Micro enterprises in the Asante Akim South District of the Ashanti Region. The study addressed the characteristics of Market access, Technical assistance and Technology development and how the various categories have helped in the growth of Micro Enterprises. Two different hypothesis for the before and after situations were used and it was investigated through the survey of two hundred and twenty-nine (229) micro enterprises MEs who were randomly selected from the northern, southern, eastern and western part of the district. The head of the Business Advisory Center was also interviewed. The well-structured questionnaire were administered to MEs sampled. The MEs questionnaire administered included demographic profiles, characteristics of BDS, impact assessment tables showing the before and after situations, recommendations and suggested solutions. After the data was collected, it was analysed using simple statistical techniques (tables and percentages) and descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that before the introduction of training in Market access, Technical assistance and Technology development, there was no significant relationship between the activities of MEs and growth but after the introduction of BDS there was a significant relationship between the activities of MEs and growth. The major recommendation was the need for policy makers to bring back the non-formal education programme to correct the educational deficiencies among the uneducated and more importantly draw policies that aims at making Senior High School the minimum educational level. By so doing there will be a generation that will be able to appreciate the need for training and also a generation whose formal education will facilitate the training process.
A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies,Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi,in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Planning.