Perceptions and attitudes influencing the management of solid waste in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana
MAY, 2014
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Rapid uncontrolled urbanization in Ghana has saddled the country’s cities with problems of
physical, socio-economic and environmental nature. Besides the physical problems of poor
infrastructure, inadequate housing, con gestion and poor accessibility, solid waste management is
a worsening situation in urban settlements in Ghana. Solid Waste Management is defined as the
direct generation, collection, storage, transport, source separation, processing, treatment,
recovery and disposal of solid waste. The study was therefore an attempt to examine the socio -economic factors influencing the management of solid waste in the Kumasi Metropolis
particularly in Asawase and Nhyiaeso communities in Kumasi. Nhyiaeso and Asawase were
chosen as a way of comparing how solid waste is managed in residential areas where there are
wealthy individuals at the expense of communities where individuals have a lower income.
Nhyiaeso represented communities with higher income whereas Asawase represent s
communities with lower income. The study uncovered the fact that wastes generated in the
metropolis are generally non-poisonous since they are mostly from food items. They also serve
as a source of food for some farm animals. The study also revealed that bigger waste bins are
needed in the collection of daily waste. Uncollected refuse accumulates in drains, roads, and
open spaces; disrupting community life and creating additional problems in the operation of
other public services. These and other facts came to light as a result of interviews conducted in
Nhyiaeso and Asawase households. The research was a case study and the sampling technique
was simple random sampling. The researcher therefore made recommendations for aggress ive
policies and measures to address the challenges identified in order to promote a sustainable solid
waste management in the Kumasi Metropolis.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Sociology and Social Work,
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree
Master of Arts in Sociology.