An Investigation into Performance Management Practices: Case Study of Oti-Yeboah Company Limited
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Good performance management practice is crucial in modern times. Unfortunately for many years, corporate executives and academic scholars have been debating the consequences of poor performance management practices in organizations. The main objective of the study is to determine how performance management practices are carried out at Oti-Yeboah Company Limited. The purpose of the study is exploratory. As a result, a single case study organization is chosen instead of multiple case studies. The study adopted a multi-method qualitative case study approach using both primary and secondary data sources. The primary data sources were from semi-structured interviews and questionnaires while the secondary data were from journals, articles, text books, web pages, and reports. A stratified random sampling technique was used in the study with a sample size of 111 respondents from all six departments of the Company. The research has revealed that Supervision and Control System, Coaching, Delegation and Performance Measurement are the main performance management practices applied in managing employee performance at the Company. The Company does not use any method of performance appraisal system in managing employee performance. Furthermore, line managers and supervisors do not involve employees in setting targets or goals of the Company. The study also found that coaching is the only measure used in addressing performance gaps. There is no link between individual goals, team goals and organizational goals. The study recommends that Oti-Yeboah Company Limited should introduce a performance appraisal system and should also allow the participation of employees in setting performance targets. The company should also align its corporate goals with the goals of individual employees and team goals.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Managerial Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration,(HRM Option), 2012