Assessing the effect of selection tools as a predictor of employee performance: A case study of Ghana Revenue Authority, Kumasi
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The study was conducted to assess the effect of selection tools as a predictor of employee performance at Ghana Revenue Authority, Kumasi. Hiring the wrong people or failing to anticipate fluctuations in hiring needs can be costly, it is important that conscious efforts are put into human resource planning (Biles, et al.,1980). The purpose of this study is to investigate, identify and determine which selection tool affects employee performance on the job and could be used to enhance organizational development at Ghana Revenue Authority, Kumasi. The study covered 100 respondents consisting of 7 management members, 43 senior staff and 50 junior staff. Respondents were randomly selected using proportional stratified sampling technique. Personal interviews and structured questionnaires were employed in primary data collection. The study revealed that interviews, tests, application forms and background reference checks were the main selection tools used at Ghana Revenue Authority, Kumasi. Interview 6 (85.7%) was the most commonly used selection tool. Reason contributing to the type of selection used included its popularity, ease to use, predictive ability and the organization’s policy. Cognitive test was perceived to be a good predictor of employee performance whereas unstructured interview was perceived to be a poor predictor. Challenges identified with the use of selection tools included the use of outmoded selection tools such as graphology, improper use of selection of the selection tools, panel member bias and faking of some selection tools. Following from the findings, it is recommended in order to improve on the predictability of the selection tools used, the selection process must be based on merits and not on relationships and there is also the need for using combination of selection tools.
A thesis submitted to the Department of `Managerial Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION