An analysis of personal financial literacy among cocoa farmers in Ghana

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AUGUST, 2015
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Many cocoa farmers do not have any idea as to how much time is required for any type of financial services and issues related to the use of money. This study is a quantitative study which analyses personal financial literacy among cocoa farmers in Ghana. The study looks at the evidence of personal finance literacy among cocoa farmers in the Central Region of Ghana, why some cocoa farmers are relatively more knowledgeable than others as well as how a cocoa farmer's financial knowledge influences his/her opinions and decisions on personal financial issues. The farmers were randomly selected from Assin Foso and Twifo Praso districts of the Central region. The total questionnaires sent out was 677 out of which 569 responded. From a survey of 569 cocoa farmers, the results show that the farmers have lower levels of financial knowledge. It is also evident that geographical location, age as well as the education levels of farmers significantly affects their level of financial knowledge. As a result, this study provides the following recommendations towards improving financial literacy among cocoa farmers as rural outreach, incorporating financial literacy into educational system and the establishment of financial literacy information sharing group.
A thesis submitted to the Knust School of Business college of Art and Social Sciences Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration (Accounting Option) ,