Provision and management of infrastructural facilities in informal settlements in Kumasi
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Recent reports have discussed the rapid rate of urbanisation in developing countries, the
extent to which far exceeds the capacity of urban managers to deal with. One key area of
concern is the rate at which rural-urban migration and dislocation of city dwellers relative to
the supply of formal housing, leads to majority of city dwellers resorting to informal
settlements. Regardless of the relevance of these settlements in accommodating most of the
urban citizens in developing countries, they often receive the least of public expenditure.
Hence, informal settlements lack the right and access to basic infrastructure and services such
as water supply, sewage and drainage, paved roads, lighting and electricity supply, public
transport and garbage disposal. However, the basic forms of these infrastructural facilities
and services are inevitable for human sustenance.
The study was undertaken to examine how infrastructural facilities are provided and managed
in informal settlements in Kumasi. It employed the use of household and physical surveys,
institutional interviews as well as review of documents and reports. Four settlements
representing the categories of informal settlements in the Kumasi Metropolis were selected
for detailed study. The study revealed a mixed level of infrastructural facilities in the
settlements, with reasonably appreciable levels of access to potable water, while access to
improved sanitation and access roads remained poor. Interestingly, there is high access to
improved sanitation in Ohwim, the unauthorised subdivision, emphasising its relatively
improved socio-economic conditions compared to the other categories. It also showed
interplay of modes in providing infrastructure in the settlements including public provision,
individuals, community initiatives and public-private partnerships.
Regardless of the relative poor conditions of infrastructural facilities in the informal
settlements, the study identified willingness to pay and multi-household housing environment
as potentials for improving infrastructural levels. The main challenges identified in
infrastructure provision are insecure tenure, haphazard development and high infrastructural
standards requirements. In order to improve the conditions of infrastructure in informal
settlements, the study recommends the adoption of a revolving fund, as a flexible financing
scheme, to utilise the resources of residents in providing in-built toilet facilities. In addition,
it recommends the recognition and empowerment of residents in controlling physical
development in their settlements as well as a revision of policy regulations to promote
affordable forms of infrastructural facilities.
A Thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master Of Philosophy (Mphil)
Department of Planning
College of Art and Built Environment
October, 2015