Challenges facing savings and loans institutions in Techiman municipality in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana
November, 2015
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This research sought to assess the challenges facing savings and loans companies in the
Techiman Municipality in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana. The study population included all management staff (managers) of savings and loans institutions in the Techiman municipality. A sample size of three hundred and three (303) respondents were selected from a study population consisting of one (1) management staff from each of the three (3) selected savings and loans companies and one hundred (100) selected customers from each savings
|and lo|ans companies. The study used purposely sampling techniques in selecting both the sample companies and the management staff of the selected savings and loans companies.The study adopted a quantitative research approach using a descriptive research design. Data
was collected through questionnaires. Findings showed that the challenges facing savings and loans companies in the Techiman Municipality were the inability of savings and loans
companies in the Techiman Municipality to target the vulnerable and the marginalized in the municipality with financial products that would fit their profiles; low lo|an repayment rate ;
lack of collaboration and coordination |amongst the savings and loans companies in then Municipality to identify repeat loan defaulters; misapplication of loans; difficulties involved in monitoring and following up lo|ans given; poor credit documentation and poor credit
worthiness. Based on the findings, the study recommended that savings and loans companies
in the municipality should start collaborating and sharing data in order to identify high-risk
customers and blacklist them to reduce loan defaults. Also, savings and loans companies should introduce products and services that target small businesses and start-ups in the
Techiman municipality in order to really fulfill their role and mission in the financial services sector.
A thesis presented to the Department of Accounting and Finance,
Knust School of Business, College of Art and Social Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Master of Business Administration degree ,