A-Signifying Allegory. Art as an Act of Folding and the Circulation of the Sensible

A-Signifying Allegory. Art as an Act of Folding and the Circulation of the Sensible is a wandering around the epistemic trope of how beings make experience and knowledge of the Earth, and how, consequently, a variety of worlds and ways of inhabiting and using them are conceived. Taking a generative, planetary, decolonial, and posthuman posture, the researchbased artistic practice is carried on under the double lens of the academic and materialspiritual cultures. The metaphor of the fold that Deleuze reads from Leibniz has been pivotal among the various means that connect the Leibnizian incompossible worlds animating the entire project. With Leibniz, it has been tenable to say that all incompossible worlds are possible, and though not together, shape a different scenario for a best possible world in common. The enquiry further interrogates the extraction-driven consumption of the neoliberal system. The approach is not a critique, complaint, or denouncing of situations; rather, it is to let the deep and hidden other voices arise as a form of dissent. So, the means of working and the artworks that emerge contribute to the fabrication of an allegorical archive of the future shaped by attentive listening to the organic libraries of ‘persons’, as centres of intentionality, living or not, organic or inorganic, which precedes and includes the concept of the human. The practice incorporates an experimental research process in collaboration with several actants and organisms, institutions including KNUST Departments, students, artists, practitioners, and more constituting a curatorial entity of mutual care, Zoe KɔKɔɔ, who does not generate a community. In its becoming and a-signifying results, the practice is taken open to the appropriation of whoever encounters it, who simultaneously participates in the circulation of the sensible. Consequently, there is no conclusion, if not this attitude of mild equivocation embedded in any form of translation, as the discovering of new ways of folding
A dissertation submitted to the Department of Painting and Sculpture, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, in partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PAINTING & SCULPTURE) FACULTY OF FINE ART,