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- Item“Stochastic live load studies in Ghana”(1953) Asantey, Solomon Benjamin AkotuaThis thesis reports on live load surveys conducted in the metropolises of Accra, Tema and Kumasi in 1990-1991. Main occupancy regions studied were churches, public halls, hospitals, factories, warehouses and retail shops. For each of these regions various user-categories were identified and the analyses and presentation has been done on the basis of these user-categories. A stochastic model has been used to synthesis the sustained load events obtained from the survey into a lifetime sustained equivalent uniformly distributed load(EUDL). In addition, extraordinary live load values have been evaluated for each user category studied. These two components of the live load process have been combined into design live loads. The results of this research have been compared with results of similar surveys conducted in America, Britain and Denmark which are enshrined in their codes of practice. The results of this study show considerable variability with those of the foreign surveys. The significance of this study and the evidence for the need to draw a local code of practice are discussed. Conclusions and recommendations are drawn on the relevance of this research to existing structural engineering practice in Ghana.
- ItemThe oil industry in South East Ghana: A deductive study of the changes that may take place in South East Ghana when crude petroleum oil is found in commercial quantity and the oil industry is established there(1967) Gadzekpo, Harold Simon KwameThe rate of Physical development of petroleum-oil bearing areas is so rapid that planning authorities are unable to cope with it and as a result control and guidance of development quickly get out of hand. Secondly, the lack of integration of oil workers’ housing with existing settlements results in social problems and unfavourable industrial relationship. The purpose of this thesis is to make a study of certain characteristics of the oil industry which led to an understanding of the problems involved so as to be able to suggest how best the problems can be solved in South East Ghana if and when oil is found there. The whole study is divided into two parts. The first part consists of background studies of actual situations. These are covered in the first two chapters. The second part deals with deductions and inferences from the first part, and these run into three chapters. Chapter I gives an idea of the world demand for energy, places where oil is found how it is transported. In Chapter II certain specific characteristic developments and effects are studied. First, developments which take place during drilling stage are studied. A brief study of the physical vegetational and geological conditions of the oil bearing areas of Nigeria is presented to appreciate the optimism expressed for oil discovery in South East Ghana. This is followed by an investigation into the characteristic developments which took place in Nigeria during the production stage. The characteristic economic, physical and social effects induced by the oil industry are touched, towards the end of the chapter. In Chapter III the physical, vegetational and geological conditions of South East Ghana are studied. These conditions are compared with those of the oil bearing areas of Nigeria (as studied in chapter II) and certain assumptions made. At the end of this Chapter, an attempt is made to fix the total investments required for the industry in South East Ghana, basing it on the total investments required in Nigeria for the same purpose. The possibility of securing these investments here are looked into. In Chapter IV the probable influences the oil industry may have in South East Ghana are deduced. To be able to suggest how oil workers’ housing can be integrated with existing developments, one settlement is located in South East Ghana and a detailed study of this settlement is made. The requirements of this settlement are considered, its possible size, function and form determined. By this detailed study, it has been possible to show that a study of the problems at an early stage coupled with urban planning proposals, may solve the problems. This study therefore comes under the scope of Urban Planning. The whole study then ends with recommendations and suggestions in chapter V and a consideration. When this study was first started political conditions in Nigeria made it impossible to spend a longer time there in order to make a detailed study at Port Harcourt so as to deduce more facts about the influence of the oil industry. Secondly, the official secrecy surrounding work being done in connection with the search for oil on South East Ghana, made it extremely difficult for detailed information to be obtained. For this reason certain assumptions are made.
- ItemBamboo-reinforce concrete slabs subjected to concentrated loading(1984) Kamkam, James AmpongThis thesis deals with an investigation into the effectiveness of bamboo as a substitute for steel in concrete reinforcement, with particular reference to slabs. After an extensive review of the available literature on pertinent work done by other investigators, the report gives an outline of the work in which the writer has been involved. It contains details about eleven bamboo-reinforced concrete two-way slabs which were manufactured and subjected to various conditions of loading. The variables were the grade of concrete, span/depth ratio, bamboo percentage and the treatment given to the bamboo reinforcement. In the eleven slabs tested, with bamboo percentages varying from 2.86 to 4.0, punching failure, whenever it occurred, always followed the full development of the flexural collapse mechanism and the punching load was always greater than the yield-line-theory load. There was therefore no sudden shear failure without warning. This indicates that, under certain conditions, bamboo splints may safely be used as substitutes for steel in slabs of this nature.
- ItemEvaluation of a neglected waste stabilization pond(1988) Nkrumah, EmmanuelA functional pond, among a series of three neglected ones was evaluated during a two month period for its operational efficiency by measuring the flow rates, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Solids, Bacteria and Coliform counts, and Phosphorus levels of both the influent and effluent. The influent flow rates of 290 metre cube per day were higher than the design value of 270 metre cube per day. The effluent flow rate was 230 metre cube per day. The ponds detention period of 7.6 days was markedly different from the design value of 53.6 days. The influent and effluent BOD were 210 and 21.5 mg/l respectively indicating 90% efficiency with respect to BOD reduction. The calculated surface loading BOD of the pond was 256 kg/ha/d which was less than the maximum of 751 kg/ha/d obtained with the fomular of McGarry and Pescod) that the pond can handle without failing. Levels of nitrate, phosphorous, and total solids in the influent and effluent indicated a higher efficiency of their removal in the effluent. The MPN and the Ammonia Nitrogen showed a very low performance. This shows that there is the need to further treat the effluent before discharging into a nearby river or better still to increase the detention period by increasing the volume of the pond. The condition of other ponds in the country is also included.
- ItemOptimization of the operational cost of water supply to the city of Accra(1988) Lokko, Frederick ChristianThe City of Accra is supplied with potable water from two sources; namely, the Kpong and the Weija Works. Raw water quality at Weija is poor. It has high turbidity and suspended solids content; and moreover, algal growth occurs in the impounded reservoir. For these reasons, full conventional treatment is undertaken at Weija to barely bring the quality of the product water within the WHO Quality Standards. At Kpong however, raw water quality is high for most of the year and therefore clarification by use of alum is not, necessary, and is hence not generally practised. Water treatment cost is therefore significantly lower at Kpong than at Weija since the cost of imported alum is largely saved at the former plant. On the other hand, transmission of treated water from Weija to Accra is by gravity over a relatively shorter distance, while from Kpong, potable water is pumped a relatively longer distance, to the City. Transmission cost of water from Weija is thus much lower than from Kpong. In order, to minimise the overall cost of water supply to the City of Accra, a Direct Search optimization technique is used in this work, to obtain optimal quantities of abstraction from each of the Kpong and Weija Works. Under the Accra-Tema Water Supply and Sewerage Master Plan, parallel pipelines will be laid from Kpong to Tema and Tema to Accra. Parallel raw water rising mains are also planned. The effect of a parallel transmission main from Kpong to Tema on the operational cost of water supply to Accra and also on the optimal quantities of abstraction is determined. It is found that for the existing system characteristics of the Accra-Tema Water Supply System, the cost of Water Supply to Accra from Weija is lower than from Kpong. It is also found that the introduction of a parallel pipeline from Kpong to Tema reduces the transmission cost of potable water from Kpong thus increasing the optimal percentage of abstraction from that source. Population and water demand forecasts which form the basis of the Accra-Tema Water Supply and Sewerage Development Master Plan of 1981, are reviewed in the light of more recent (1984) population census data. It is found that the population and therefore the demand projections used in the Master Plan are high. The proposed implementation schedule of works is therefore retarded such that the supply capacities of the Kpong and Weija plants correspond with the revised demands at all times during the planning period.
- ItemEvaluation of performance of the Clariflocculators at the Barikese waterworks(1988) Frimpong, BoakyeThis study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of the Barikese Treatment Plant and to investigate the prospects of introducing sludge recycling into the existing plant. The results of settling column studies, analysis of water production data, and batch laboratory tests conducted have been presented. In the column studies, the low turbidity but highly coloured and algal-laden raw water abstracted for treatment at the waterworks was used to evaluate the performance of the clariflocculators. Results of the analysis of the column tests compared well with the plant performance. Records on raw water flow, treated water pumped to the supply areas, water used in treatment and alum consumption for the period 1978 — 1988 were also investigated to establish trends. Alum consumption was found to be increasing and that it increases with increasing raw water flow and the extent of deterioration in the raw water quality. Water losses within the plant were found to be on the increase for the past three years. Sludge recycling tests conducted to find its effects on the plant operations also showed promising results. Among other process advantages, sludge recycling offers reduction in alum dosage. However, the heavy investment involve especially in the initial stages, makes it less economical to practise it at Barikese.
- ItemRe-appraisal of Water Supply Systems on the River Densu(1988) Akari, Peter LamisiThe development of Multisite Water Supply Systems based on abstraction from major rivers in Ghana has often been carried out without prior detailed and integrated river basin studies. The Densu River, which typifies this problem, has been studied in this work as a test case to analyse; and evaluate alternative investment schemes for water supply as well as to solve problems of water regulation, allocation and management within the basin. Using techniques of systems analysis this dissertation has shown that even though the water resources of the Densu River abound, the distribution within the year is poor and therefore requires regulation to meet varying demands along its stretch. Evaluating various feasible alternative design schemes for improved water supply to Koforidua and Nsawam and studies of the operation of the existing Weija reservoir in Accra indicated that it is economically more attractive to build one impounding reservoir at Koforidua to cater for the Water Supply demands of the two towns, It has also been shown that the Weija Reservoir System is not jeopardized by increased abstraction upstream.
- ItemAssessment of the Rill Cut and Fill Mining system at Prestea Goldfields Limited(1990) Adu-Poku, SampsonThe decline in gold production and increasing cost of mining at the Prestea Goldfield Limited (PGL) has called for the need to find ways and means of increasing productivity. This thesis analyses the current rill cut and fill mining system employed at PGL with the view to either modify this system or replace it with more efficient mining system. Three other alternative applicable mining systems intended to replace the current one namely Horizontal Cut and Fill, Sublevel stopping and Shrinkage mining systems have been selected from geotechnical considerations. Technological and economic appraisal of these alternative systems and the current one has been carried out so as to select the most efficient one. It has been established that where the orebody is and above 1.83m and the orebody and the host rock are competent, the sublevel stopping system (alternative C) is most efficient for PGL. The Preparetional Opening Efficiency of this system is 102.17m3/1000t, development cost per ton is ¢3017.52/t, the efficiency is 47.99t/manshift and the stopping cost per ton is ¢572.32/t. this will reduce the stopping cost per ton by 74.24% and increase the efficiency by 96.8%. Where the orebody width is below 1.83m and the host rocks are not very strong, the Horizontal Cut and Fill mining system will be more applicable
- ItemAn analysis of the size of gold grains in the Offin Placer Deposit of Dunkwa Goldfields Limited and its effect on the dredge plant recovery(1990) Agala, Jerry SylvanusThe size of gold grains in the Offin placer deposit and its effect on the treatment plant of Dunkwa Goldfields Limited, Dunkwa-on-Offin, were investigated. Samples were taken from Dredges 5 (Middle Offin), 6 (Lower Offin) and 7 (Upper Offin). These samples were treated and the gold grains recovered for further analysis. Microscopic and sieve analyses were the sizing techniques employed in analyzing the sizes of the gold grains. Statistical methods were used in analyzing the distribution of gold grains in the deposit. The analyses revealed that, the average grain size shows little variation from Upper Off in (250μm) down the Offin River to the Lower section of the Offin (185μm). The Dredge treatment plants on Dredges 7 and 5 were found to be suitable. Dredge 6 showed some inconsistencies. Mineralogical study on the deposit showed that the associated minerals in the three sections were the same the only difference being that, the sizes of the mineral grains decrease from the Upper to the Lower Offin sections. Quartz formed the bulk of the gangue minerals in the deposit. The shapes of the minerals in the deposit were found to be angular to sub-angular.
- ItemAn analysis of productivity and cost efficiency of underground labour at George Capendel Shaft of Ashanti Goldfields Corporation (Ghana) Limited(1990) Frimpong, MensahThe treatise analyses the possibilities of increasing productivity at optimum cost. The study revealed that labour motivation at AGC is quite low. Job-centered style of supervision, machine downtime poor environmental conditions and labour unrest are among the factors hindering productivity. Productivity is analysed terms of tons or advance per man-shift. Production efficiency is the ratio of actual to the programmed productivity whereas cost efficiency is the ratio of forecast cost to the actual. The mean actual productivities of the various stopes were; for cut – and – fill (conventional) stopes (2 t/m-s), cut – and – fill (machinised) stopes (2.5 t/m-s), sublevel are 3. t/m-s, 8 t/m-s, 3.2 t/m-s respectively, and 2.5 t/m-s for shrinkage stopes. At development ends, mean productivities were 0.61 feet/man-shift for raises and 0.875 feet/man-shift for lateral development The percent-age contribution of the operating cost of mining by the various cost centers are ; stoping cost (36.56%) , slope preparation cost ( 13. 18%) -. slope development cost (26. 96%) and 2 3% for the working cost.. The study also revealed a decline in performance of AGC in terms of cost from 1980/81 to date.
- ItemAn economic analysis of ore dilution at the east limb stopes of Tarkwa Goldfields Limited(1990) Agyeman, Stephen AkoreHundred percent (100%) extraction at 0 percent dilution is an ideal mining efficiency. This is hardly achievable for reasons ranging from around stability problems to poor quality of mining practice. The total effect of dilution cannot be easily estimated due to a number of uncontrollable factors. Quantification of the dilution levels, however, gives a fair indication of how much extra cost is incurred and how much revenue is lost for mining the extra tonnage of waste. The study therefore aimed at quantifying and analysing the dilution levels from the East Limb stopes in terms of tonnage, percentage and costs incurred and revenues lost. This was done by using mainly classical statistics. At the East Limb of Tarkwa Goldfields Limited dilution has been found to be 17.34% as against the 10% expected from the stopes and the trend appears to be worsening, 16.70% in 1983 and rising to 24.65% in 1989. These indicated a revenue loss of over ¢46M and an increased cost of over ¢18M in 1989 for mining and milling the extra tonnage resulting from dilution above 10%. The cost would even 1e higher when the total mine costs are considered. It is certainly impossible to totally eliminate dilution. However, it could be reduced and controlled within the “economic” limits of the mine operations
- ItemOre reserve estimation for mine planning at Ghana Consolidated Diamonds Limited, Akwatia(1990) Ashong, Emmanuel TetteyAt Ghana Consolidated Diamonds Limited (GCD), production figures for the past four years indicate that there is a significant difference between the estimated ore reserve and what is actually obtained at the end of a mining programme. While other unit operations like the mining method and the efficiency of the treatment plants may be contributing to this disparity, one of the major reasons could be that the current estimation method is not adequately reliable. The objective of this thesis is to assess the current method of ore reserve estimation on the mine and to investigate other estimation method that may be applicable. The standard arithmetic method, which is the current estimation method on the mine, has been used to estimate reserves in a selected area of the GCD concession. The triangular and geostatistical methods were used to estimate the reserves within the selected area. The justification for choosing the triangular method has been outlined. The applicability of geostatistical method has also been justified by the fact that the grade distribution of the different geological regions within the selected area could be fitted with the spherical semi-variogram models. It is suggested that the current estimation is good since the tonnages estimated using this method 1ie in between those of the other two methods However, the estimated grades and the variances were least in the case of geostatistical method. If the drilling programme could be intensified to produce adequate samples, geostatistics could serve as a tool to narrow the observed disparity between estimated and mined grades at Ghana Consolidated Diamonds Limited.
- ItemStreamflow Estimation in the Pra River Basin of Ghana(1990) Buxton-Tetteh, Michael Nii ArmahThe mean monthly stream flow in a river basin is one salient characteristic which relates to the storage and use of stream flow as a resource or source of supply. Mean monthly stream flow estimates are thus required for the planning, assessment and management of water resources projects, including water supply, irrigation and hydropower generation. Using stream flow data recorded at nine gauging stations in the Pra River Basin of Ghana, four sets of mathematical equations have been developed which relate the mean monthly stream flow in the basin for each month of the year to the basin climatic and physiographic characteristics. Each set of equations reflects a certain degree of sophistication in terms of data input requirement, accuracy and applicability. Of the basin parameters examined, basin area alone accounted for about 90% of the spatial variability of mean monthly stream flows in a multiple regression analysis. The inclusion of rainfall, basin relief, main channel length and stream order increased the predictability (measured by the R-squared statistic) of the equations to between 95% to 99.9%, and achieved relatively reduced standard errors of estimate. Geological, as well as climatic, homogeneity in time and space are the main assumptions of the models. It is further assumed that rainfall over the basin is temporally and already uniform. Finally, the effect of urbanization, if any, on stream flow is considered insignificant. The results suggest that the mean monthly stream flow at an ungauged site in the Pra River Basin could be well estimated from basin climatic and physiographic characteristics using the models developed. The standard errors of estimate associated with these models were 30% to 50% of the observed mean and were lowest (5 % < SE <10%) for the relatively more sophisticated of these models.
- ItemAn integrated grade controlled mining system for steeply dipping areas at Tarkwa Goldfields Limited.(1990) Ntrama, Okyere YawAt Tarkwa Goldfields Limited (TGL) it is observed that a persistent difference exists between the estimated, mining and mill head grades. the causes of these disparities could be that the “weighted average” method used in the ore reserve estimation does not give the true estimates of the grade and tonnage of the ore body, and that the mining methods currently in use give much room for dilution and ore losses. This thesis reviews the current ore reserve estimation method and investigates the applicability of geostatistictics an alternative estimation method that would provide the true grades and tonnages of the stoping blocks well ahead of mining to assist in mine planning. A modification in the current mining methods to minimise ore losses and dilution is also presented. In order that the mill is fed with a consistent ore grade, a blending programme has been developed in the course of this thesis that enables the determination of the tonnages of ore from various blocks or draw points at different grades to be mixed so as to obtain the mill head grade of 3.2 dwt/ton (5.43 gramme/tonne) considered to be appropriate for optimal plant performance. It is suggested that the use of geostatistics in ore reserve estimation, application of the proposed modified
- ItemIdentification, modelling, and adaptive control of an aluminium reduction cell(1991) McKenna, Joan S.The estimation of the alumina concentration in the bath of aluminium reduction cells is a difficult task due to harsh operating conditions within the cells, the complexity of the process, and noise corrupted data. Knowledge of the concentration could significantly improve production efficiency and could be used to enhance the feed control system. In this report, an alumina concentration estimator is developed for a 140 kA prebake aluminium reduction cell. The estimation programme uses experimentally determined models of alumina concentration as a function of time and ohmic resistance as a function of alumina concentration in an extended Kalman filter algorithm with a feedback variable of ohmic resistance. The estimator was tested successfully on simulated and measured cell data. It is shown how the estimator could be incorporated into a feed control algorithm and the control strategy is applied to real and simulated input data.
- ItemManagement problems affecting Bikkai Laboratories Limited(1991) Solaga, DanielManagement Concept: There are different definitions of management, but probably the most popular and often quoted is “accomplishing predetermined objectives through the efforts of others”. However, for this dissertation, the definition of management according to Brech2 is the concept on which managerial problems encountered in a business enterprise will be elaborated. E. F. L. Brech thus defines management as: “A responsibility for the efficient planning and regulation of the operations of an enterprise, such responsibility involving: (i) Judgement and decision in determining plans and in using data to control performance and progress against plans; and (ii) The guidance, integration, motivation and supervision of the personnel comprising the enterprise, and carrying out its operations. “ In a nutshell therefore, management is an activity that involves determining worth-while goals and carefully organising human and physical resources into useful and effective channel to achieve stated objectives.
- ItemEvaluation of thermosyphon flat plate collector as heat source for a Solar Liquid Piston Pump (SLPP)(1991) Obeng, Martin AduThe Flat Plate Solar Collector operating in the thermosyphon mode has been suggested as a possible heat source for the Solar Liquid Piston Pump CSLPP). So far, this proposal has not been investigated As part of a cooperative project between the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada and the Department of 4echanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology (UST), Kumasi to develop and evaluate the SLPP, the flat plate solar collector has been investigated as a heat source for the SLPP. • In the present work, a computer simulation model based on Huang and Hsieh’ s model for a thermosyphon solar water heating system (TSWH) and suitable experiments have been developed and used to evaluate the transient arid long-term performance of the double glazed flat plate collector operating in a thermosyphon loop, including the SLPP evaporator coil. The main components of the Thermosyphon Solar Water Heating System (TSWH) which are the flat plate collector arid storage tank were also locally designed and constructed as part of the work. As an input to the simulation, the optical and thermal performance characteristics of one each of single- and double- glazed flat plate collectors were determined using the ASKRAE 93-77 standard test method. These were found to be FRno = 0. 707 + 0. 044 and FRUL= 13.901 ± 8.241 for the single glazed collector and 0. 495 + 0. 046, 7.81 ± 4.704 for the double glazed collector respectively. Also frictional heads of the SLPP evaporator coil and the TSWH have been directly measured. The frictional losses in the evaporator coil were found to be go times higher than those in the isolated TSWH. The selected simulation model was programmed in Fortran IV and validated using experimental results obtained by Huang and Hsieh. This model which used a storage tank volume -collector area (V/A) ratio of 125 litres/ma and a time step of 15 minutes, treated the 250 litre storage tank as stratified into S sections. The model however, was unable to simulate satisfactorily the flow rates and collector water temperatures for the present experimental system which used a small V/A ratio of 11litres/rn2. In order to improve on the model, variations in the time step and number of tank sections were independently investigated for the thermosyphon system without the SLPP evaporator coil. The results indicated that the small storage tank could be treated as fully mixed and a time step of at most 6 minutes could be used in the simulation. Using the modified model, the simulated collector inlet and outlet temperature results compared favour ably with those obtained from the experimental system performance tests before the mid—day hours while those after mid-day indicated negative flowrates which were not in agreement with the experimental results. The simulated flowrate results were about 30% lower than those obtained experimentally while the simulated collector water temperatures were 15% lower than those measured. Sensitivity analysis indicated that FRUL is more sensitive to the collector performance as compared with FRno Simulation results of the long-term performance of the SLPP using the monthly average daily meteorological data of Navrongo one of the towns in Northern Ghana with very high solar energy intensity showed that the hot water temperature of 80 – 90oC required by the SLPP could be generated by using a double glazed flat: plate controller for nearly 5 hours in a day in that hot months of January, February, March and April. However, the flowrate requirement of 0.02kg/m2 couldn’t be met
- ItemComputer aided design of a long span timber roof truss(1991) Idun, Emmanuel KwameThe structural engineer has came to rely on the computer as an effective tool for engineering decision making. The design of timber roof trusses is one instance where computing facilities can be effectively utilized. This thesis is primarily concern with the design of a timber roof truss using the computer. The Pratt and Howe types of roof trusses are used as casa studies. A study is made on the suitability and vaiiahi1iy of locally availability timber species Turbo Pascal 5.5 has been used to develop the computer programme to handle the analysis and design of the timber roof truss. An optimization technique has also been included in this programme to enable the design of the truss to be optimized. Results obtained from the program are analyzed and converted into design charts which can be used by roof truss designers
- ItemAnalysis of blasting techniques at Ghana National Manganese Corporation, Nsuta-Wassa, Ghana(1992) Agbeno, Simon KwesiGhana National Manganese Corporation (GNMC) at Nsuta-Wassa in Ghana produces manganese ores by open—pit technology. The deposits are Pre-Cambrian in age, and are characterised by a series of strong folding and faulting. These rocks are of medium to high strength and have high densities (2.81-3.72 kg/rn3). One of the methods of loosening in situ material for excavation and loading on the mine is by drilling and blasting. Analysis of records from the mine has shown that tonnage produced by blasting constitutes about 38% of total annual production. It has been observed that primary blasts produce coarse fragmentation. The cause of the poor rock fragmentation is improper blasting practice. The poor blast performance explains why unit cost of drilling and blasting constitutes as much as 65% of unit costs of mining. In this research work, the present drilling and blasting practices have been studied. Alternative blast design paramaters have been determined, taking into consideration the geomechanica1 properties of the rocks and the prevailing operational conditions at the mine. These parameters have been field tested. Eventually, an effective blasting technique has been designed to improve the performance of the mine. It has been established that of all the design parameters, including that of the present mine practice, which have been field tested, the technique using a 2.0m by 2.8m drilling pattern produces best results. This technique requires 50-60% less drilling and 30-40% less explosives. When drilling and blasting are considered together as one operation, an overall improvement of 40-50% was achieved over the present mine practice. It is suggested that, to achieve the desired performance from the blasting technique using 2.0m by 2.8m drilling pattern, a stemming length of l.6m is required to provide the necessary explosives confinement. Millisecond delays are also to be used as an integral part of the blasting technique for an improved blast performance.
- Item“An assessment of the potential for private sector involvement in urban water supply in Ghana”(1993) Swatson Jnr., Arthur1.0 Many economists are of the view that what the private sector can do, governments should not. Hence the scope for private sector involvement either as a supplement to efforts by governments to provide potable water to consumers, such as water vending, or, as an integrated part of operations should be properly ascertained by governments in developing countries as a means of ensuring efficient and adequate supplies. 2.0 Coupled with the inability to charge economic rates for water, many water utilities in developing countries are plagued with inefficiency, poor management and low morale. Non-revenue water is so high and substantial revenue is lost through weak commercial operations in areas such as billing, illegal connections and revenue collection. Most of the revenue generated goes back into paying salaries and other recurrent expenditures and almost nothing is left for expansion and rehabilitation of systems. 3.0 Arguments for public sector provision of water supply services have included the fact that water is a natural monoply. The economies of scale involved in the distribution of water through pipes are so enormous that it is a classical example of a natural monopoly. Other negative externalities associated with the provision of this service without adequate sewerage facilities reinforce this argument. The inability to charge economic rates for water, it being a product of nature and a necessity of life, as well as the substantial technical and administrative demands that come into play in the provision of the service has discouraged the involvement of the private sector in the provision of this service. 4.0 Private sector involvement in the provision of urban water supply services can generally be categorised into the following: 1. Vending of water 2. Provision of piped water by companies that make their own investments (such as a concession arrangement) and companies that manage publicly provided investments such as leases, management contracts, and service contracts (gerance). 5.0 Provision of urban water supply in Ghana can be categorised under the formal and informal sectors. The only actor in the formal sector is the Ghana Water & Sewerage Corporation (GWSC), a state owned enterprise (SOE). The informal sector comprises mainly private water vendors, vending water through water tankers, public standpipes, domestic connections, storage tanks and portable containers. 6. 0 The GWSC has been operating for more than 25 years and operates 200 pipe borne water supply systems and about 6,000 shallow wells. Half of the systems utilize surface water flow and the other half groundwater. Total installed capacity is 500,000 m3 per day. Water supply coverage in the country is about 60%. On the average, urban water supply coverage is said to be around 90%, whilst rural water supply coverage stands at some 50%. 7. 0 Out of the ten largest systems serving the ten regional capitals, only three have been operating viably for a considerable period. Presently, a fourth system is also operating viably. These systems are Accra (ATMA), Kumasi (KMA), Sekondi-Takoradi (STMA) and Cape Coast. These systems account for over 75% of the total production. ATMA alone accounts for 50% of the entire revenue base. 8.0 The level of service has been low in several of these major systems. This has been attributed to the rapidly growing demand as a result of increased developments in the pen-urban areas, increased rural-urban migration, and also the state of GWSC systems which are old and in need of rehabilitation and expansion. Flows are intermittent and pressures low in several areas. Non revenue water in these major systems have typically been over 50% and in some systems, 65%. Extension of service mains to newly developed areas has been a major problem, arising out of inadequate funding to support such projects. 9.0 Revenue collection performance have been good from figures obtained, averaging over 90% of billing. However, not until non-revenue water is properly ascertained and reduced, such performances would not translate into any meaningful progress. Revenue performance figures would thus go up each year as a result of tariff increases and not from an increase in revenue base. A programme of metering of headworks to establish accurate production figures and of domestic consumers to reduce non-revenue water has been started. Typically, 60% of all bills sent out were based on some arbitrary figure, taken from the minimum consumption estimates. Staff cost to revenue performance has been improved over the past years from Government restructuring efforts. 10. Typically, personnel costs have averaged close to 40% of entire costs, electricity and chemicals averaging some 30% and all other costs 30%. Fuel and lubricants have averaged typically 5%, and other contractual and commodities have each averaged 10% over the period 1986 to 1991. Budgeted Cost to revenue ratio has been a staggering 250% in some nonviable systems but in some viable systems have been at the target of 60%. Generally, in non-viable systems, revenue obtained can cover production costs but will not cover distribution costs. For example in Ho and Tamale, budgeted staff cost against revenue expected were about equal. 11. GWSC’S financial problems have been attributed to the refusal of Government to approve timely tariff increases. This exacerbated the debt situation. Currency fluctuation affected the servicing of debts and escalated market prices, thus affecting production costs. To administer increased tariffs effectively meant a considerable improvement of systems to reflect in improved service delivery. Funding for such rehabilitation and expansion, totaling over 100 million dollars was provided mainly from external donors and aid agencies, with Government providing counterpart funding under its Public Investment Programme (PIP). This was expected to increase production system wide by some 20%. Without external financing, it would be virtually impossible to effect any rehabilitation and expansion. GWSC has found it difficult to maintain a sinking fund as directed in the mandate upon establishment, to finance capital development projects neither could it maintain a depreciating fund for replacement of equipment. 12. Management Consultants engaged to access GWSC performance came out with the observation that present organizational structure was adequate for the time but stressed on the cultivation of a corporate culture at all levels. 13. Existing private sector involvement in GWSC operations include the provision of such supporting services as vehicle maintenance, construction of storage reservoirs and housing units, supply of equipment and consultancy services. In the direct provision of water, operation of privatised standpipes has been implemented whereby an operator sells the water on behalf of GWSC and is paid a 20% commission. 14. Private sector involvement in provision of supplementary service has been mainly through water tanker operations. In Accra, there is an organised body of water vendors, the only such body in the country. These have recognition from GWSC and the mandate to provide the service under regulation. Typically, the consumer ends up paying 20 times what he will pay through piped water supply. However, this service is very much appreciated by consumers who would have otherwise been deprived of the commodity altogether as a result of GWSC’s difficulty to cope with demand. The demand for the service is therefore high especially in newly developing areas. 15. The environment in the country is supportive of further private sector involvement. The Governments’ drive towards improving performance of SOE’s even includes outright divestiture. The Divestiture Implementation Committee (DIG) and the State Enterprises Commission (SEC) are two bodies that have been set up to in respect to this. Within the GWSC, there is now an accommodation of this policy. 16. Outright divestiture of a sensitive service such as water supply, bearing immense political and socio-economic implications for Government will meet with some hesitation. Therefore, arrangements involving transfer of assets and shares to the private sector would not be considered favourably, even rejected. Arrangements that would secure Government retention of ownership but involvement of the private sector in specific services under contract or lease or concession arrangements would be accommodated. Arrangements where the private operator bears no commercial risk should be discouraged. 16 A two level approach to implementing these arrangements could be adopted. These would be involving the private sector in specific services on system basis or in the entire operation of a system. The first would involve leasing assets engaged in production or distribution to a private operator. It would also involve engaging the private sector in specific operations, such as commercial operations, under a service contract arrangement. The second level would involve handing over an entire system on a lease basis or operating concession to a private operator. 17. Concession arrangements would be most useful where investments for future expansion may not be forthcoming yet demand is escalating. In this case, the private operator is responsible for all major investments. However, the price of water will be expected to rise since all these costs including interest on investments and amortization of assets would be built into the tariff. Without GWSC subsidising the price of water, consumers could be at risk of higher rates, though justified. This would be pronounced in systems where operating ratio is high. The situation may be better under lease an arrangement but then GWSC would be responsible for providing all capital investments to keep the level of service delivery adequate. If these investments are not forthcoming, it could put the private operator at risk since the ability to collect revenue will decrease with decreasing service levels. A hypothetical case where a lease contractor is expected to reduce nonrevenue water to 30% and decrease overall costs by 10% is expected to earn GWSC close to I billion cedis in extra revenue. 18. Involving the private sector in commercial operations should be preceeded by the following actions: 1. All areas should be properly mapped out and customer information adequate (customer management). 2. Adequate levels of service need to be maintained as a neccessary condition for any improvement in revenue collection. It is however expected that with remuneration tied to performance, private operators would be better disposed to maximise profits thus increasing operating efficiency. Some problems faced by the SOE in discharging its commercial functions are not expected to vanish when the private sector takes over. Without adequate leverage, the private operator might find it difficult to improve the revenue base. 19. In all these arrangements, it must be realised that a balance between economic efficiency and distributional effects should be struck. If privatization only results in making consumers much worse off than before financially, and without any concrete evidence of improvement in service delivery, one cannot be satisfied with such an intervention. After all, privatisation is only one of the many ways of restructuring. 20 From the discussion, one can safely say that the environment for involving the private sector is accommodating. The mode of involvement is rather the big issue at stake. All arrangements must strike a balance between economic efficiency and distributional effects, taking into account the plight of the ordinary man in Ghana. Regulation should therefore be an important part of the process though over regulation could kill the entrepreneurial zeal. 21. A stage Wise implementation sequence could be adopted, beginning with a low degree of privatization and graduating into a higher degree over a time frame. Initial arrangements could be done on a pilot basis, with a close monitoring of developments such that lessons learnt can be fed into a refining process for subsequent arrangements. This structured learning process would be most useful, averting harmful consequences of en-masse implementation. The question of whether to start with viable or non-viable systems must be answered after careful consideration of each system, since system characteristics are so variable. Non-viable systems would definitely require cross-subsidization under concession or maybe lease arrangements to bail consumers out of exces1.0 Many economists are of the view that what the private sector can do, governments should not. Hence the scope for private sector involvement either as a supplement to efforts by governments to provide potable water to consumers, such as water vending, or, as an integrated part of operations should be properly ascertained by governments in developing countries as a means of ensuring efficient and adequate supplies. 2.0 Coupled with the inability to charge economic rates for water, many water utilities in developing countries are plagued with inefficiency, poor management and low morale. Non-revenue water is so high and substantial revenue is lost through weak commercial operations in areas such as billing, illegal connections and revenue collection. Most of the revenue generated goes back into paying salaries and other recurrent expenditures and almost nothing is left for expansion and rehabilitation of systems. 3.0 Arguments for public sector provision of water supply services have included the fact that water is a natural monoply. The economies of scale involved in the distribution of water through pipes are so enormous that it is a classical example of a natural monopoly. Other negative externalities associated with the provision of this service without adequate sewerage facilities reinforce this argument. The inability to charge economic rates for water, it being a product of nature and a necessity of life, as well as the substantial technical and administrative demands that come into play in the provision of the service has discouraged the involvement of the private sector in the provision of this service. 4.0 Private sector involvement in the provision of urban water supply services can generally be categorised into the following: 1. Vending of water 2. Provision of piped water by companies that make their own investments (such as a concession arrangement) and companies that manage publicly provided investments such as leases, management contracts, and service contracts (gerance). 5.0 Provision of urban water supply in Ghana can be categorised under the formal and informal sectors. The only actor in the formal sector is the Ghana Water & Sewerage Corporation (GWSC), a state owned enterprise (SOE). The informal sector comprises mainly private water vendors, vending water through water tankers, public standpipes, domestic connections, storage tanks and portable containers. 6. 0 The GWSC has been operating for more than 25 years and operates 200 pipe borne water supply systems and about 6,000 shallow wells. Half of the systems utilize surface water flow and the other half groundwater. Total installed capacity is 500,000 m3 per day. Water supply coverage in the country is about 60%. On the average, urban water supply coverage is said to be around 90%, whilst rural water supply coverage stands at some 50%. 7. 0 Out of the ten largest systems serving the ten regional capitals, only three have been operating viably for a considerable period. Presently, a fourth system is also operating viably. These systems are Accra (ATMA), Kumasi (KMA), Sekondi-Takoradi (STMA) and Cape Coast. These systems account for over 75% of the total production. ATMA alone accounts for 50% of the entire revenue base. 8.0 The level of service has been low in several of these major systems. This has been attributed to the rapidly growing demand as a result of increased developments in the pen-urban areas, increased rural-urban migration, and also the state of GWSC systems which are old and in need of rehabilitation and expansion. Flows are intermittent and pressures low in several areas. Non revenue water in these major systems have typically been over 50% and in some systems, 65%. Extension of service mains to newly developed areas has been a major problem, arising out of inadequate funding to support such projects. 9.0 Revenue collection performance have been good from figures obtained, averaging over 90% of billing. However, not until non-revenue water is properly ascertained and reduced, such performances would not translate into any meaningful progress. Revenue performance figures would thus go up each year as a result of tariff increases and not from an increase in revenue base. A programme of metering of headworks to establish accurate production figures and of domestic consumers to reduce non-revenue water has been started. Typically, 60% of all bills sent out were based on some arbitrary figure, taken from the minimum consumption estimates. Staff cost to revenue performance has been improved over the past years from Government restructuring efforts. 10. Typically, personnel costs have averaged close to 40% of entire costs, electricity and chemicals averaging some 30% and all other costs 30%. Fuel and lubricants have averaged typically 5%, and other contractual and commodities have each averaged 10% over the period 1986 to 1991. Budgeted Cost to revenue ratio has been a staggering 250% in some nonviable systems but in some viable systems have been at the target of 60%. Generally, in non-viable systems, revenue obtained can cover production costs but will not cover distribution costs. For example in Ho and Tamale, budgeted staff cost against revenue expected were about equal. 11. GWSC’S financial problems have been attributed to the refusal of Government to approve timely tariff increases. This exacerbated the debt situation. Currency fluctuation affected the servicing of debts and escalated market prices, thus affecting production costs. To administer increased tariffs effectively meant a considerable improvement of systems to reflect in improved service delivery. Funding for such rehabilitation and expansion, totaling over 100 million dollars was provided mainly from external donors and aid agencies, with Government providing counterpart funding under its Public Investment Programme (PIP). This was expected to increase production system wide by some 20%. Without external financing, it would be virtually impossible to effect any rehabilitation and expansion. GWSC has found it difficult to maintain a sinking fund as directed in the mandate upon establishment, to finance capital development projects neither could it maintain a depreciating fund for replacement of equipment. 12. Management Consultants engaged to access GWSC performance came out with the observation that present organizational structure was adequate for the time but stressed on the cultivation of a corporate culture at all levels. 13. Existing private sector involvement in GWSC operations include the provision of such supporting services as vehicle maintenance, construction of storage reservoirs and housing units, supply of equipment and consultancy services. In the direct provision of water, operation of privatised standpipes has been implemented whereby an operator sells the water on behalf of GWSC and is paid a 20% commission. 14. Private sector involvement in provision of supplementary service has been mainly through water tanker operations. In Accra, there is an organised body of water vendors, the only such body in the country. These have recognition from GWSC and the mandate to provide the service under regulation. Typically, the consumer ends up paying 20 times what he will pay through piped water supply. However, this service is very much appreciated by consumers who would have otherwise been deprived of the commodity altogether as a result of GWSC’s difficulty to cope with demand. The demand for the service is therefore high especially in newly developing areas. 15. The environment in the country is supportive of further private sector involvement. The Governments’ drive towards improving performance of SOE’s even includes outright divestiture. The Divestiture Implementation Committee (DIG) and the State Enterprises Commission (SEC) are two bodies that have been set up to in respect to this. Within the GWSC, there is now an accommodation of this policy. 16. Outright divestiture of a sensitive service such as water supply, bearing immense political and socio-economic implications for Government will meet with some hesitation. Therefore, arrangements involving transfer of assets and shares to the private sector would not be considered favourably, even rejected. Arrangements that would secure Government retention of ownership but involvement of the private sector in specific services under contract or lease or concession arrangements would be accommodated. Arrangements where the private operator bears no commercial risk should be discouraged. 16 A two level approach to implementing these arrangements could be adopted. These would be involving the private sector in specific services on system basis or in the entire operation of a system. The first would involve leasing assets engaged in production or distribution to a private operator. It would also involve engaging the private sector in specific operations, such as commercial operations, under a service contract arrangement. The second level would involve handing over an entire system on a lease basis or operating concession to a private operator. 17. Concession arrangements would be most useful where investments for future expansion may not be forthcoming yet demand is escalating. In this case, the private operator is responsible for all major investments. However, the price of water will be expected to rise since all these costs including interest on investments and amortization of assets would be built into the tariff. Without GWSC subsidising the price of water, consumers could be at risk of higher rates, though justified. This would be pronounced in systems where operating ratio is high. The situation may be better under lease an arrangement but then GWSC would be responsible for providing all capital investments to keep the level of service delivery adequate. If these investments are not forthcoming, it could put the private operator at risk since the ability to collect revenue will decrease with decreasing service levels. A hypothetical case where a lease contractor is expected to reduce nonrevenue water to 30% and decrease overall costs by 10% is expected to earn GWSC close to I billion cedis in extra revenue. 18. Involving the private sector in commercial operations should be preceeded by the following actions: 1. All areas should be properly mapped out and customer information adequate (customer management). 2. Adequate levels of service need to be maintained as a neccessary condition for any improvement in revenue collection. It is however expected that with remuneration tied to performance, private operators would be better disposed to maximise profits thus increasing operating efficiency. Some problems faced by the SOE in discharging its commercial functions are not expected to vanish when the private sector takes over. Without adequate leverage, the private operator might find it difficult to improve the revenue base. 19. In all these arrangements, it must be realised that a balance between economic efficiency and distributional effects should be struck. If privatization only results in making consumers much worse off than before financially, and without any concrete evidence of improvement in service delivery, one cannot be satisfied with such an intervention. After all, privatisation is only one of the many ways of restructuring. 20 From the discussion, one can safely say that the environment for involving the private sector is accommodating. The mode of involvement is rather the big issue at stake. All arrangements must strike a balance between economic efficiency and distributional effects, taking into account the plight of the ordinary man in Ghana. Regulation should therefore be an important part of the process though over regulation could kill the entrepreneurial zeal. 21. A stage Wise implementation sequence could be adopted, beginning with a low degree of privatization and graduating into a higher degree over a time frame. Initial arrangements could be done on a pilot basis, with a close monitoring of developments such that lessons learnt can be fed into a refining process for subsequent arrangements. This structured learning process would be most useful, averting harmful consequences of en-masse implementation. The question of whether to start with viable or non-viable systems must be answered after careful consideration of each system, since system characteristics are so variable. Non-viable systems would definitely require cross-subsidization under concession or maybe lease arrangements to bail consumers out of excessive rates, though justified economic rates. sive rates, though justified economic rates.